Top 5 Maintenance Tips for Your Hot TubPosted by kunal on February 4th, 2018 A hot tub is not something that you buy every day, and the buyers wish for their hot tub to run as long as possible. We believe that there are a few necessary tips that hot tub owners must keep in mind to maintain them and will be listed below. These tips are simple to apply and will require no significant efforts for you to keep your hot tub in a healthy condition. 1. Keep It CleanJust like any other product that you own, keep your hot tub clean too. The cleaning does not only include dusting or wiping it but also to keep its alkalinity in check. Regularly check your hot tub for its pH and try to keep it between 7-8. Continually using the acidic water in your Hot Tub might corrode your hot tub with time. Along with the hot tub, also make sure to clean your hot tub accessories like the water coming in contact with them will also enter the tub. 2. Use Your Hot Tub RegularlyMake sure to use your hot tub regularly. Using your tub regularly will not only force you to keep it clean, but it will help you notice if there is any damage in it early. A lot of hot tub owners end up buying it and leaving it in some forgotten corner only to use it after months and find it dirt and sometimes broken. Use your tub regularly and check for any cracks or leakage before you use it. 3. Watch Where You Place ItPeople like to have inflatable and portable hot tubs with them, but the truth is that moving them too much around will always have the risk of damaging it. So, while it is okay to have a movable tub, still make sure that you do not overdo it. It will also be better for the health of your hot tub if you keep it in open space and on a level surface. 4. Fix the Cracks QuicklyIf ever you happen to find any cracks or breakage in your hot tub, try to seal it as early as you can. Even the slightest of cracks in the hot tub might end up reaching a bigger area of your tub if you let it stay for long and keep using it. You can find various products online which can be used to fix the cracks. 5. Keep Changing the WaterYou must keep changing the water in your tub depending upon your usage. The more frequently you use your hot tub, the more often you will have to change the water in it. Changing the water will not only keep your hot tub in good shape but it will also be useful for your skin. Also, make sure that the chemicals you add to this water keep it in at the right pH. So, these are our Top 5 Maintenance Tips for Your Hot Tub that will help you to run it for long. For more suggestions like these stay connected to our website. Like it? Share it!More by this author |