Effective Natural Remedies for Heartburn

Posted by Refluxmd on February 22nd, 2018

Despite the names, heartburn has nothing to do with the heart. Heartburn is a very common digestive issue. It occurs when the acid in the stomach flushes back into the esophagus.


The symptoms of heartburn start showing up due to the issues of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). The lower esophageal sphincter isa muscularvalve located at the conjunction of the esophagus and stomach. The acid reflux occurs when the LES doesn’t tighten up properly. Some foods increase the stomach acid or relaxing the LES such as

  •          Citrus foods
  •          Tomatoes
  •          Chocolate
  •          Peppermint
  •          Chocolate
  •          Onion and Garlic
  •          Caffeinated Products
  •          Alcohol
  •          Burning sensation in the chest.
  •          Chest pain, especially after the lying down or bending over or eating.
  •          Burring at the back of the throat
  •          A long-term cough
  •          Hoarseness
  •          Sore through 
  •          Hot, sour, salty, or acidic fluid at the back of the throat.


Natural Cure for Heartburn

Lemon Juice: The intake of natural acids from lemon juice can help in supplementing the production of stomach acid. It is a very good natural cure for heartburn. Especially during the pregnancy, it gives effective results.

Baking Soda: Baking soda is a short-term solution to heartburn pain. It is recommended to drink a mixture of a half teaspoon of baking soda with a quarter cup of water until the heartburn subsides.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Vinegar is a fast natural remedy for heartburn. It is suggested to drink a glass of water with two teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar. This mixture should be consumed in every 5 minutes until the heartburn subsides.

Herbal Heartburn Remedies

There is very few research done on the herbal cure for heartburn. These research are based on the product Iberogast. The product is made up of

  •          Caraway
  •          Greater Celandine
  •          Angelica
  •          Milk
  •          Thistle
  •          Licorice
  •          Lemon Balm
  •          Peppermint
  •          German Chamomile

Other Heartburn Cure

Control your Diet: Avoid foods that trigger heartburn. Consuming more fiber can keep the digestive tract healthy and moving.

Control the Time: It isadvised to eat food at regular intervals. Also, eating food two to three hours before bedtime can avoid acid reflux during night time and can give the stomach a chance to empty up.

Eating Technique: Not only the time and diet, but it is also essential that a proper eating technique is followed. Consuming food in small proportions is essential. Also, eating food slowly can help in reducing acid reflux.

Focus on Weight: It isessential to control weight and focus on it. Excess abdominal fat can increase acid reflux. Therefore, one should follow the right diet and exercise program to focus on weight.

Wear Loose Dress: Individuals experiencing symptoms of heartburn should avoid wearing tight jeans and belt as they add pressure to the abdomen.

Elevating Waist: Raising the upper body is a very good way to overcome acid reflux if you are lying down. Only lifting the head is not enough in case you experience heartburn while lying down. Lifting the entire upper body is needed to avoid acid reflux while sleeping.

Anyone can experience heartburn. Apart from medication there some natural cure for heartburn. These remedies include adjusting lifestyle, avoiding certain foods, or consuming certain foods.

Author Bio:

RefluxMD provides an overview of all reflux treatment. If you are looking for Lower Esophageal Sphincterget in touch with us so that we can guide you based on the Natural Heartburn Relief.

Original source: https://sites.google.com/site/refluxmdguide/effective-natural-remedies-for-heartburn


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