5 Things You Should Know About PRP Treatment for Hair Loss

Posted by Prisha on March 5th, 2018

If you are facing severe hair loss but you have not experienced any sign of baldness, you must respond quickly and visit a PRP hair loss treatment clinic to heal the hair loss. Actually, PRP is the best solution for excessive hair loss and thinning of hair. If you do not respond at the right time you may be a victim of baldness soon.

However, a number of patients have decided to undergo the procedure and a lot of others have a plan to have it in future but not all the people know completely about the procedure. in fact, it is the best idea to have some knowledge of the procedure to ensure that you do not face a failure of the treatment.

Here we have five main things that are essential to know for every hair loss patient and we hope this list will be helpful for you:

1. How does PRP work?

PRP is extracted from the blood of the patients and it is believed to have growth factors to heal the hair tissues. The PRP experts prepare special injections to inject them into the scalp of the patients and the growth factors improve the hair cycle, prevent hair loss and thinning of hair. Sometimes the patients more than one sessions for complete relief.

2. Risks of the PRP hair loss

PRP is a simple and non-surgical procedure that allows the patients to leave on the same day. The patients may start daily activities soon and the recovery period is not so long. The scalp may remain pink or numb for a few hours, and generally swelling is not observed after the treatment. if the swelling occurs, it goes automatically after one or two days. In brief, no major risks are related to the treatment.

3. The recovery period:

After some hours of PRP hair treatment, the patients are allowed to do whatever they want to with their hair like shampooing, conditioning, washing etc. moreover, they are free to resume their daily life activities soon. but it does not mean you can use harsh chemicals or colors on the hair.

4. Who is an ideal candidate for PRP?

Generally, the patients with severe hair loss and thinning of hair are suitable candidates for PRP. For successful results, you need the presence of some hairs on the scalp and if the patients have developed bald areas on the scalp, it is tough to achieve successful results with the help of PRP hair treatment.

5. PRP is used as a combination of other procedures.

PRP is used separately and it is also used as a combination other non-surgical procedure and generally, the combination works effectively to cure the disease. If you meet your doctor, you may also ask about the procedure the doctor is going to use.

It is safe and effective to have PRP hair loss treatment after having appropriate information about the procedure and if you have clear and required information, you can undergo the treatment without any fear.


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