Supplement Label Design Part - I

Posted by kexconsulting on April 3rd, 2018

Supplements are a booming business and represent a very powerful industry. The U.S. supplement industry alone is a nearly billion dollar a year industry. Therefore, there is a lot of competition out there for various supplements. It’s important to make your supplement stand out from the crowd. This requires a deep understanding of the industry, marketing tactics and design. A supplement label design is one way to make your supplement stand out from the rest. An eye-catching supplement label design can increase brand value, sales and brand loyalty. Therefore, if you’re looking for a brand refresh or a new brand design for your supplements, look no further.

Why is supplement label design important?

Supplement label design is an incredibly important component in creating your own supplement brand. As the consumer demand for supplements continues to increase, you’ll find that more and more competitors are entering the field. Developing an aesthetically-pleasing supplement label design for your brand will help your product to resonate with your target audience. Successful brand design and promotion will help to boost your supplement’s sales.

Our supplement label design process

For KEX Consulting, it’s incredibly important to provide our clients with support from the beginning to the end of the design process. We’ll be there with you for the market research to help you understand the tactics, designs and color schemes that are currently being utilized by your competitors in the industry. Then, we’ll brainstorm a variety of different eye-catching supplement label designs for you to choose from. Once we’ve narrowed down our choices, our expert design team will whip up some mockups with different styles of text and image placement for the supplement label design.

Supplement label designs that work the best

Through our years of experience in the industry, we’ve found that bright and bold designs with easy readability work best with customers. Listing benefits clearly on the front of the supplement label design also works very well. Call outs with the strongest benefits are a way to grab customers’ attention and additional information on the sides of the label are a way to keep their attention.

The best colors for supplement label design

Colors that work well with the supplement industry include shades of green. Why? Customers who buy supplements care about their health. They have a healthy approach to life and enjoy feeling that they’re making healthy purchasing decisions. The color green is often associated with the environment. Additionally, this is a very gender-neutral color, which can appeal to both men and women. Blue is also a calming color that can also have a sense of authority for your supplement label design, depending on the shade of blue that you choose. Shades of yellow, orange, or lime green can also be great attention-catching colors. We often use these colors for call outs, or highlights on the supplement packaging in order to get customers’ attention fast.

Important text for supplement labels

It’s also important to include strong benefits on your supplement label design. The wording for your labels must be easy-to-read and clear for a wide variety of reading levels. Additionally, it is vitally important to ensure that you have covered all of your bases legally for your supplement label design.

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