How To Choose The Suitable Air Purifier For A Large Room

Posted by David Harper on April 9th, 2018

The air pollution and increasing amount of dust particles in the air are making it difficult to breathe. The lungs start developing breather disorders, and sometimes medical interventions are required to assist a person to breathe. The number of asthma patients is at an all-time high, and many young children need nebulisation for stabilising the breathing during an attack. Such situation might get aggravated during season changes. It makes the requirement for having an air purifier for domestic usage a must. While buying anair purifier, one must keep in mind few pointers. Here are some tips for buying the best air purifier for home usage:

How To Choose The Suitable Air Purifier For A Large Room

An Appropriate Filter:

The best quality of air purifiers come with a high-efficiency particulate air filter or HEPA filter.While buying an air purifier, one should look for the specifications list found on the back of the cover. Some manufacturers produce air purifiers with a HEPA-like filter. One should avoid using these products as they do not serve the purpose quite efficiently. The original HEPA filter can remove the small particles of dustand pollutants floating in the air.Such particles are responsible for causing the respiratory disorder.

One With Pre-Filter:

Besides, the HEPA filter an air purifier must come with a pre-filter. These pre-filters catches the massive particle of pollutants moving in the air. Such large particles when coming in contact with the HEPA filter reduces its functionality. These pre-filtersact as a guard and protect the HEPA filters from damage.The pre-filters can be easily cleaned and replaced. A properly maintained filter can improve the shelf life of the air purifier.

Usage Of Activated Carbon:

The activated carbon works like a charm inremovingthe harmful gases from in the air.Many manufacturers are now using this component in their machines for optimal clean the air. The ingredient also works as a deodoriser which can be an added benefit.

Higher CADR:

CADR or Clean Air Delivery Rate measures the air purifier’s ability to clean the air. The more top score of the machine,the better are its chances of removing the pollutants from the device.This information can be found in the back of the packing cover.

Size Of The Room:

While buying an air purifier, the area of the room must be considered. In a large room air purifier meant for a smaller space won't be able to purify the air optimally.Also, the manufacturers test the machine in a sealed environment. After running the test, they publish the results on the back cover. However, such secured situation is not possible in the domestic conditions. These factors should also be kept in mind.

Having an air purifier can help the peoplewith respiratory diseases. However, before buying them, one should remember these points.

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David Harper

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David Harper
Joined: November 1st, 2017
Articles Posted: 250

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