What Are The Signs That Your Home Needs More Insulation?Posted by RI Retrofit on April 9th, 2018 Making sure that your home is properly insulated is an important step to ensure that your home remains comfortable year round and avoids wasting energy. Understanding the most common signs that your property is under-insulated can determine the best steps to improve the overall energy efficiency of your home or office building. Do you see drafts in particular rooms all through your home? Carefully walk through each room in your house during both the cool and warm months of the year. If you come across noticeable drafts in certain rooms, it’s usually a sign that your property is under-insulated. Drafts generally happen when your home was not sealed during construction or the insulation in your walls has worn very thin. Are you experiencing an increase in your energy bills? One of the biggest indictors for a home that is not properly insulated is your energy bills seem way out of whack. Your home needs more energy to maintain consistent and steady temperatures when it is not properly insulated. If you have a room that is not insulated in your home, you can try closing off the vent and securing the location to see how much your energy bills are effected. You should take steps to repair and fix cracks in windows and should seal up probable openings that permit air to get into your home. Also, talk to your neighbors about what they are spending on their energy bills. Do you see frozen pipes? If a home is not properly insulated, it can cause expensive damage such as frozen pipes. If you are in Connecticut, you know we deal with various season and in the winter temperatures can get below freezing. In this case, it is highly recommended to get help from a spray foam insulation company CT. The reason that frozen pipes are highly common in New England and you need insulation around the pipes in certain areas. If a pipe gets frozen, it could burst, thereby causing extra damage to your home while forcing you to replace the damage that could be very expensive. Experts recommend that to keep your pipes from freezing, you should run hot or warm water to frequently from all the drains on your property during the days with cold climate. After a burst in pipes and carrying out the repairs, it’s better to make sure that your pipes and walls are properly insulated with the help of a spray foam insulation contractor CT. It will prevent potential issues in the future. The other signs include cold walls, floors and ceilings, and rooms with fluctuating temperatures. If you experience these signs, get help from insulation contractors CT to keep your property safe. Like it? Share it! |