10 best ways to learn stock market tradingPosted by manuel jejus on April 11th, 2018 While learning the basics of stock market trading new investors should take their first step to have full access different sources of quality education. One of main advantage of stock market trading lies in fact that the game we play lasts a lifetime period. What investor does here is they still uses strategies that had used twenty year ago. they have years to develop their skills. that means the game of stock market trading will always in full force. So for the New People in This game we are offering 10 basic best ways to trade stocks 1) Opening A Stock Broker Account We need to find a good stock broker online and open an account. we need to get used to with the layout and to take benefits of free stock trading tips tools. some of the online broker offers which offers virtual trading account which has a advantage because we can trade with play money. 2) Reading Books The Next steps towards learning is Books, They Offer a huge best information and are less expensive than seminar and classes. We recommended the all in one and Favourite book How to make money in stocks by William O'Neil, Author is founder of CANSLIM Trading. 3) Reading article Article here is best resource of Education. By reading related article which is available free of cost online you can get wealth of information and achieve the success. we Recommended to read article for investment education available on tradingtips.com and another evergreen way is Google search. 4) Finding A Mentor A Mentor can be a Friend, family member, co-worker that has basics fundamental understanding of stock market trading. A best mentor will provide help regarding useful resources and willing to answer questions whenever the stock market gets tough. History shows that all successful investors have had a good mentor during their early days of learning. Another way to get answers is forums. We recommended to use Elite trader and Trade2win. make sure you are listening to legal one. Majority of Forum member participating are not a professional trader. leave alone form profitable trader. 5) Learn From Successful Investors Learning from successful professional trader will offer inspiration, perceptive and appreciation of stock market trading, The list of great active trader included Warren Buffets, Jesse Livermore, George Soros, Benjamin Graham, Peter Lynch, John Templeton. you can get all related article regarding stock market for specific trader online 6)Read and Follow The Market The best resource for investors are new sites like yahoo finance and Google finance. for depth knowledge go with wall street journal and Bloomberg. by regularly monitoring stock market and reading news headlines stories traders can expose themselves to trends. Technical analysis of stock and by observing fundamentals data also serve as a other source of learning. Other than this, TV is also a way to regularly monitor the stock market each day, CNBC is the bet and Popular one channel. 15 Minutes in A Day can be added advantage to gain knowledge about current stock market. 7) Paid Subscription Having Paid Subscription to most of the resources can be useful and educational. Some traders may decide to watch and observe stock market to be more beneficial than applying for newly learned lesions themselves. there are many paid Subscription sites available across the web the main is thing is find best and unique one. one of them and we recommended is tradingtips.com 8) Attending Seminar and Classes Seminars can also be a good resource to get valuable insights from the whole market, most of the seminars focuses on particular aspects of the market and how the speaker has found the success by using their own strategy from past years. Some Seminar are free which can also have beneficial experience. 9) Get your First stock With your broker account setup, try to make your fist trade don't afraid to start with small budget even 1, 10, 20 shares will serve its purpose of getting you in game. One of the greatest mistake investors makes is to go all in and try to get more benefit. this is common and painful mistake and new investors suffers big loss early at the start of the game. 10) Follow Warren Buffet Warren buffet the biggest investors of all time recommends to use passive index instead of trying to beat the stock market trading on their own. If you are interested to see how to trade stock like warren buffet see how blog How to trade stock like warren buffet. Like it? Share it!More by this author |