Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Hospital Cheating: Fake News on Web About RGCIRC

Posted by Shweta Singh on April 26th, 2018

Whenever a person Googles best cancer treatment, the one institution which tops the list is Rajiv Gandhi cancer hospital. Since its inception in 1996, the institute has cemented its legacy with multiple awards like 2014 Best Oncology Center in India. Literally its an architectural marvel with every updated equipment and amenity installed for cancer treatment. The favorable conditions for medical tourism in India and the cheaper treatment attract a lot of international patient traffic. Many have even quoted it as the best hospital on the Asian land.

One of the best ways for expressing, reviewing, and giving feedback to a hospital is social media. Anyone ranging from a patient’s family to their friends can come and post their views about the institution. Well, it looks fascinating but it comes with some destructive downsides too. It's very easy for rival companies to plot and corrupt another company’s reviews page. Some people don’t believe that medical industries can conjure something quite like this. Well, they can. The latest example seen was the Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Hospital Cheating complaint going crazy. Not just the center’s reviews page was flooded, even the social media shared these complaints multiple times impairing with the long-earned reputation, the institute had.

The reception staff was stormed with patients and their relatives asking for answers. For someone having a deadly disease like cancer, it’s a hard gamble to be in a bad hospital. So, everyone left, even the doctors were questioned about their experience and expertise in treating cancer. Quickly from being the best cancer hospital in India Rajiv Gandhi became the sinking ship with no survivors.

However, beating all odds the hospital yet stands tall, how? The ray of light came from the past employees, doctors and patient, who took upon themselves to reverse this aftermath of social media wreckage. They tried to add positive, real reviews and experiences in the hospital, one by one, brick by brick these reviews constructed a similar pile of yet positive reviews, which again went viral. This time the truth was revealed. Soon enough the left patients returned for their due treatment and were very happy to do that, as the level of professional expertise here is incomparable to any other hospital.

At last, the prestige of Rajiv Gandhi cancer center was fixed back to prime with an additional sentiment of trust in each patient.

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Shweta Singh

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Shweta Singh
Joined: September 19th, 2017
Articles Posted: 4

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