Ten Questions You Should Ask Before Joining a Drug Rehab

Posted by Indra Cidambi on May 9th, 2018

Drug addicts that decide to visit a rehab have ever been there before. What causes this relapse? Most of the relapses are caused by poor choice of rehab centers or programs. To get comprehensive care and total healing, then you need to ask questions that will lead you to the best treatment.
Here is a list of ten questions you need to ask before joining New Jersey detox centers.

What are your expected results from the rehabilitation?

Every rehab center has its success measure. Some rehabs qualify patients for the dose, gainful employment, family relation improvement, and the number of successful patients. You need to know what you would like the result to be. Before you join any rehab, make sure you know the success rate of it.

How long does the program take?

The complexity that comes with addiction may involve mental damage or even physical damage. This is not a problem that can be solved within a month. Every patient has a period they can achieve sobriety. You need to know the kind of problem you have and whether it can be solved within the common 28 days period or you might need more.

Does the program use a substitution of the drug you are addicted to?

Do you want to be sober for good or you just want to reduce the effect caused by the drug addiction you have? The substitution program will not really benefit a person with the need to completely heal. What is your goal?

Are the drugs used harmful or addictive?

Many pharmaceutical drugs used to cure addictions can be harmful to one’s health or even becomes addictive to the user after using them for a while. You need to know the kind of medication used for your condition and why they use them. Sometimes your condition might not need certain medication which can be replaced by social or constructive means of healing like exercise.

Are physical cravings taken care of?

It would be utterly useless to go through a program without eliminating the urge to go back into the habit. Ask if there is a nutritional program or detoxification that can directly address the issue of cravings. This way your sobriety will be more channeled towards healing.

Is nutrition part of the program?

It is worth noting that many drug addicts might also have nutritional deficiency diseases. A good rehab should encompass healthy nutritional solutions to curb the other negative effects that might result from addiction medication.

Does the program have life skills to help me heal completely?

When you start a sobering journey, you must be willing to leave behind the destructive life skills you associated with previously. This requires a facility that can bring a set of life skills that can help equip you to conquer whenever you are faced with stress or temptation to relapse into drug abuse.

What is the philosophy of the rehab program you are about to join?

What is your philosophy on this? You have two choices of facilities. On the one hand, some facilities believe relapses are common and normal before one gets to complete sobriety. Others believe that completion of their program will enable you to overcome addiction. The later has extensive programs with life skills that may take longer.

What is the rehab promising for the healing period?

Drug addiction treatment should take an extended period with enough education. The reason behind this is drug abuse affects both the body and the inner being. This needs time to recover. Some rehabs promise instant healing which is not the best option.

Are the experiences in the programs acceptable to you?

Some rehabilitation programs have intense body punishments. You need to know what each facet brings before joining one.

Your answers to the questions above will help you make a proper choice while choosing New Jersey detox centers.

If you want to to join Alcoholics Anonymous in New Jersey, the author of this article suggests Recovery CNT.

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Indra Cidambi

About the Author

Indra Cidambi
Joined: February 12th, 2018
Articles Posted: 28

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