How Safe Are Women In Our Society?Posted by yashi ganguly on May 29th, 2018 Though India is an ancient civilization and we have had long traditions in which women played an active and important role in the society, somewhere down the line women were relegated as lesser beings and the society became the male-dominated society. After the independence, a number of steps were taken to bring about gender parity that is yet to actualize. Many people are still trapped in feudalistic mindset and women are seen by them only fit for household chores and they have some sort of power over them. This mindset often results in crime against women in the form of honor killings, female infanticides, dowry deaths, physical assaults, rapes etc. The situation is indeed alarming if one goes by the crime statistics against women. However, with time the women have also made a mark for them in the society and are today doing almost all jobs that were once seen as men’s jobs. But these jobs often put them at risk as many of these jobs require late working and often commuting alone at night. Apart from this even when women are going to college or partying with their male friends the feudal mindset of their friends and relatives lead to untoward incidents. This then requires that women should be on their guard all the time and they cannot take their safety and security lightly. Thankfully there are women safety devices which are available in the market which can not only boost a woman’s confidence but also be her best bet when she is sexually assaulted on the road or in a picnic party or even her own home. These women safety devices not very costly and can be kept in the bag like concealed knives in key rings, stun gun, safety spray for ladies and so on. Of all the safety devices safety spray for ladies has a distinct advantage over the other devices. It is very effective as it immobilizes the attacker for at least ten minutes, needs no prior training, economical and easy to carry in the handbag. It is actually a can filled with chili like compound that can be sprayed on the eyes and nose of the attacker giving him ten minutes of hell-like experience. The compound that is used in pepper spray is far more pungent than the chili powder but the best part is that it does not give in any permanent injury to the attacker. It is legal in most of the countries including India. Keeping pepper spray in the handbag is a wise decision and it must be kept all the time as it may be required when you least expect it to be used! Like it? Share it!More by this author |