The main causes of canine sneezing
Posted by eztalks on May 30th, 2018
Canine sneezing is common. Dogs often sneeze when they have only noticed, or if they are laying on their backs. However, there are many causes and reasons why dogs sneeze, so coughing and sneezing should not be taken lightly. Sneezing could be a sign of a disease or a respiratory disorder, which can be serious. Consult your veterinarian if your dog is showing abnormal sneezing along with coughing, shaking his head or scratching his head.

Some of the main causes of canine sneezing
Dog allergies
You may have noticed that your dog sneezes more when pollen, weeds, dust or mildew are in the air. Some dogs are allergic to cigarette smoke, so it is best not to smoke near them. Some cleaning products and washing products can cause your dog to sneeze as well. Antihistamines usually help relieve the symptoms of allergies.
There are several types of infections that cause sneezing, including fungi, viruses and bacteria. When a dog is sneezing due to an infection, discharge from the nose is often observed. The infection is serious if blood or pus is seen coming from your dog's nose.
A sinus infection will cause sneezing, as well as watery eyes and coughing.
Canine influenza is a new virus that was reported in 2004. It is a mutated strain of equine influenza. This virus can cause a severe respiratory disease in dogs. It is not known to have human beings infected.
Some of the first signs of the distemper virus include sneezing. The sneeze will be accompanied by cough and thick mucus that comes from the eyes and nose.
Most dogs with coronaviruses have symptoms of coughing, sneezing and runny nose.
Some dogs may sneeze when they have a tooth abscess or an abscess in the gum line. Your dog's upper teeth have roots in the vicinity of his nostrils. An infection can spread to the breasts. Sneezing from a dental infection is usually accompanied by drainage from the nasal passages.
Intranasal tumors are a more serious cause of sneezing. Bloody discharge also occurs. Sneezing and discharge will occur more frequently as the tumor progresses.
Strange objects
Foreign objects can get trapped in one or both nostrils and cause sneezing. The discharge occurs in general as well. Usually, when something is lodged in the nose of the dog, it will move the head or paw in the nose, as well as sneeze excessively. Some dogs will be able to dislodge the object of sneezing. Others, however, will have to have them removed by a veterinarian.
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