Kick Out Harmful Bacteria With Anti3 Protect SeriesPosted by anti3protect series on June 2nd, 2018 Soccer is typically a constant action sport with minimal breaks in between leaving players sweaty and smelly. The worst culprit of odors and bacteria on a soccer player lurks in the shin guards, which are a pain to wash. Anti3 Protect Series has a simpler solution: disinfecting and anti-fungal Equipment Spray. Simply spray shin guards and cleats and kill odors and bacteria that cause MRSA, Staph and Athlete’s Foot. Anti3 Protect Series acts as a goalie blocking any shots infectious diseases take at soccer players. If you’re a soccer goalie and need protection from stinky bacteria infected gloves, then Anti 3 Foaming Dry Wash is perfect for you! Disinfect, freshen and even moisturize your hands. Other opponents of Soccer players are grass stains and mud, but Anti3 Protect Series antifungal and disinfecting laundry detergent fights off stains and bacteria leaving jerseys clean. Open wounds, cuts and scrapes are ideal conditions for infectious bacteria to enter the body and these conditions are very common in Soccer. Keep yourself protected with Anti3 Protect Series! Cross The Finish Line Infection Free With Anti3 Protect Series Racing is a high-energy sport, in which only highly skilled drivers can compete. With a sport, such as racing, that gets your adrenaline pumping racers are sure to experience excessive sweating leaving their helmets and gear prone to bacteria. Anti3 Protect Series’ line of disinfectants offers a way for racers to clean their gear after a thrilling race leaves them sweating and exposed to infection causing bacteria, fungus, odor and other germs. While racing does not require much equipment, helmets are vital in this sport to avoid serious head injuries if a racer were to crash. This helmet should be disinfected frequently to avoid infections so while the outside of a helmet is easy to wipe down, the inside of the helmet traps bacteria, fungus and other germs. Anti3 Protect Series EPA approved Equipment Spray is an easy-to-use spray, which disinfects the inside of helmets leaving them safe to use for every race. The other large part of a racers gear is the suit they must wear; this suit should be washed after every match to avoid infection or odor. Anti3 Protect Series offers a disinfecting Laundry Detergent, which kills bacteria and freshens garments such as a racer’s uniform. Anti3 Protect Series is excited to announce our partnership with Dylan Tavella, a standout athlete who is dominating the karting world. With an impressive resume, which includes various championships as well as being signed to Motorsports Worldwide Management Group, we are excited to be sponsoring Dylan and protecting his bright future by safeguarding him from harmful skin infections. Anti3 Protect Series is ideal for protecting racers from the bacteria, fungus, odors and other germs that can affect their health. Harmful skin infections such as MRSA and Staph have no chance against the disinfecting speed of Anti3 Protect Series. Like it? Share it!More by this author |