8 clear signs that shows your website is outdated

Posted by Oaky Web on June 7th, 2018

With advancement of technology, carrying a website without any change for long is quite challenging and risky task as well, if your site is more than 2 years olds than you must need to revamp it. As far the audience interest and market demand is upgrading day by day some sign shows that your website is outdated now and needs makeover:

Page Loading Time

Web page loading time affects the site performance and rank too. Google maintains a record of each web page’s loading time and rank it accordingly. If your site takes longer time in loading, than Google will automatically ranks up other sites with faster speed in the list. You can use Google’s page insight test to check your site’s speed, if it takes more 3 seconds download than you’ll have boost it up and in assistance of Web development company will need to remove unused older files and data from the your website and compress it again to make browser friendly.

Content Quality

Content is the king of web state and Google pays an attention to quality of content used in website formation, if found any copied or poor quality it banned the site immediately. A poor quality or unreadable content fails to target the audience and serve the useful information that leads not only the downfall in ranking but also fails to invite traffic on the site, hence you need to update the quality content with latest informative features.

Site is not mobile-friendly

More than 80% of population is using smart phones for calling and online search, in such case if your site is not mobile-friendly and the folk needs to zoom it or use desktop to access it than it clear that your site is outdated and you have to interact with a web design company to make it design responsive for handheld devices

CMS Platform

CMS platform is the latest trend used by Web Development Company in Delhi for e-commerce website development. The prime benefits of using this platform are, it gives easier platform to reform the design or development if required.

Flash and Java use

These tools are completely outdated because most of mobile platforms do not support it hence if you have flash or java based website than it will be a big risk for your business and you need to revamp it again.

Outdated outlook

Design impacts great on audience mind and make them engaged with its attractive layout, in such case if the outlook is old fashioned or inferior than competitors that means you need a Web Design Company in Delhi to redesign it.

Not good user experience

A site in long run start creating problem in technical error due virus attack, change in technology and version which creates bad experience for its audience and leads take switch to competitor website.

Not compatible with social media marketing

Social media marketing is extensively used for business promotion in such situation if your site is not compatible SMM platform than your site needs up gradation

Whenever such issues are seen in a site means it needs a makeover and you have to make call or arrange meeting with your web design or e-commerce development company in Delhi that can remove all unused large files to compress the site and make it trendy with redesigning and redevelopment.

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Oaky Web

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Oaky Web
Joined: May 24th, 2018
Articles Posted: 30

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