Best Choice to buy RS 2007 Gold with 7% off for Overgrown Idols Until June 22Posted by Maggie on June 21st, 2018 This week is Mental Health Awareness Week here in the UK, and this year the focus is on stress. In support of the week and our 3 charities, we have launched a fabulous new event with rs 07 gold all proceeds being donated to charity!Get in-game and start earning XP to find charity tokens, which can be handed in to earn new rewards, including these adorable new guys, Percy and Scoop! You can earn Charity tokens from today through to 23:59 game time on the 20th May. Hi!Time to Catch Up to 7% off RS 2007 gold and RS gold with Code FDS7 from 2018 Rsorder Summer Deal Until June.22! Additionally, every day this week, speak to the three charity representatives, Zoed, Kat and Lau'Ra who can be found north of Lumbridge crater. They'll each have a new question for you to answer every day regarding mental health, and will reward you with a prize for answering correctly! It’s been nearly nine years since choking ivy creepers were seen clambering up the stone walls of RuneScape’s major cities; but today releases a new type of Woodcutting training method, filling in a niche between Crystal Trees and Ivy. But it doesn’t stop there – this new method gives you the chance to help you fell trees all around the world! This members only update, sees two “overgrown idols” unearthed near the Shipyard and the Jadinko cave on the island of Karamja. Requiring level 81 Woodcutting, there is the opportunity to receive some great buffs to your woodcutting prowess, showing that you’re the best lumberjack in the whole of RuneScape! When you discover the overgrown idol, you need to chop through the dense vines - either solo or in a collaborative team; once you’ve cleared the idol of the surrounding vines, can unleash the power of the Karamjan Gods resulting in a random chance to get one of the following: - Double cut rate, resulting in overall cutting of logs being much faster - 10% increase to woodcutting success chance - 10% chance to get double logs (or cut twice on ivy/vines/crystal) - 5% XP Boost - Log auto-banking effect For those lucky to reach the idol, there’s a lore book telling the tales and giving some insight into the elusive Karamja Gods,We've added a new restriction for Friends Chat in the hope of preventing new accounts mass joining just to mass spam.Sealed clue scroll objects can now be distributed through lootshare, with respect to each players' individual clue scroll soft cap. Hi!Time to Catch Up to 7% off RS 2007 gold and RS gold with Code FDS7 from 2018 Rsorder Summer Deal Until June.22!Snap by Immediately!5% Off Code FDS5 without any limited!