Posted by Enter-Slice on July 4th, 2018
What is eco mark?
“ECOMARK” is scheme instituted by government of India and regulated by Ministry of Environment and Health, wherein the products derived out of environment/ meet certain criteria of environment along with Indian standards quality check and labeling for household and such other for consumer items which are environment friendly in nature is labeled as eco mark. The scheme invites participation from common citizens and is voluntary in nature.
Environment friendly products means Any product which is made, used or disposed of in a way that significantly reduces the harm it would otherwise cause to the environment, are categorized as environment friendly product.
The scheme arranges platforms to sensitise concerned industrial sectors in the larger interest of environment.
What are the objectives of the scheme?
- To reduce adverse environmental impact of products, the manufactures are encouraged by providing an incentive to manufacturers and importers.
- In case wherein companies have taken steps to reduce the harmful impact on the environment, they are encouraged and praised and rewarded.
- Take all necessary steps to make and encourage consumers to become environmentally responsible and buy such products.
- Advertise and to take possible steps to encourage citizens to purchase products which have less harmful environmental impacts.
- Other initiatives for improvement the quality of the environment and encourage the sustainable management of resources.
Scheme Committee and authority under Ministry of Environment and Health:
Steering committee:
- Selection of the logo for ECOMARK.
- Work for promotion and acceptance of the scheme.
- Determining the product category.
- Continuously staying in touch with industries and coordinating ways of ensuring that industry is actively involved in the scheme.
- Arranging the participation Ministries Government Departments, Industry Associations and other Non-Government Organizations and consumer organizations.
- Forming strategies for future development of the scheme.
- Identifying institutions in India or outside which are engaged in the standardization of any article or process or improvement of quality of any article or process and recommending assistance to build consumer awareness.
- Promoting programme of comparative testing and put up results to public.
- In the interest of consumer groups supporting any research for the formulation of Eco Mark Scheme products
Technical committee:
- Identification of specific products which can be classified as environment friendly.
- Once identified the category then it is required to be compared with the environmental criteria being followed in other countries as compared to State knowledge and if required recommend updating.
- Find out the most appropriate criteria and parameters to designate.
- Review various technologies and apply the most opt one.
- Recommend various laboratories for analysis to MoEF for the purpose of products assessment.
- Review and updation of environmental Import of products.
- Set up Sub-committee for each product category.
- Setting up of expert panels to advise whenever required for concerned products.
The Bureau of Indian standards
- Assess and recommend the product for ECOMARK and certify the product for award.
- Review, suspend or cancel or license, for the use of Eco Mark.
- Inspect and monitor the industries
Registration, Certification and Licensing:
1: Certification under ECOMARK scheme:
An application is required to be made by the manufacture to BIS for the purpose of testing which fall under the notified categories along with fee set by BIS. The label shall be awarded for a minimum period of one year and shall roll forward annually.
2. Grounds for approval of application of ECOMARK
Following criteria are the basic testing grounds for approval of an application for ECOMARK
§ Production process including source of raw material
- Case of natural resources.
- Likely impact on the environment.
- Energy conservation in the production of product.
- Effect and extent of waste arising from the production process.
- Disposal of the product and its containers.
- Utilization as 'waste' and recycled materials.
- Suitability for recycling or packaging.
- Biodegradability.