HOW TO APPLY FOR TRADEMARK ASSIGNMENT?Posted by Enter-Slice on July 5th, 2018 A Trademark is a distinctive mark/ sign helps to distinguish and identify certain goods and/ or services from that of the others. When used for specific services, it is known as a Service Mark. It can be represented in the form of your company’s name or logo, a color, an abstract or combination of any. The primary requirement is that the mark must distinguish the source and origin of the goods. A trademark creates brand loyalty and helps in advertising by adding value to the business. Using the trademark aids the customer to easily identify and remember the products allowing the building of a loyal customer base. If the trademark registration has been successfully, the symbol ® may be used. For unregistered trademark, the symbol ™ shall be used. How to transfer the rights associated with a Trademark? As with any physical property like land, house, every owner of a Trademark has been given the right to sell, license, transfer etc the trademark owned with a due procedure of law. Thus, the owner of a Trademark can transfer his right with respect to the Trademark in two ways- assignment and licensing. The transfer may take part as a part of merger or amalgamation between two entities. What is the assignment of trademark? When the ownership of the Trademark is transferred from one party to another, it is the Assignment of Trademark. For a registered trademark, the Registrar of Trademarks has to be informed and the assignment has to be recorded. The goodwill associated with the business that is showcased through the Trademark may or may not be present in the assignment.
What is the process prescribed to file for and record the assignment of trademark? Upon the successful assignment of the trademark, it is imperative that the change in the ownership is recorded with the Trademark Registry. There are specific forms with prescribed fees that have to be filed.
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