This Powerful Antibacterial Laundry Detergent Kills OdorsPosted by anti3protect series on July 12th, 2018 Firefighters don’t have to take the smells of a fire home with them with Anti3 Protect Series Laundry Detergent. An important aspect of being a firefighter is disinfecting and deodorizing clothing especially after fighting fires all day. Anti3 Protect Series Laundry Detergent is ideal for the active lifestyle of a firefighter. This powerful antibacterial laundry detergent kills odors and freshens clothes. Firefighters do everything they can to protect citizens from danger so they deserve protection too. Anti3 Protect Series’ line of antibacterial, antifungal and deodorizing cleansers safeguards firefighters from harmful skin infections so they can continue to do what they do best. Anti3 Protect Series
Hair & Body Wash An organic, sulfate free and hospital grade soap, our formula is designed for daily use and won’t dry out your skin. Anti3 Protect Series will give you the best protection against ringworm, staph, MRSA, impetigo, athlete’s foot and more. Perfect for wrestlers, Jiu Jitsu, Crossfit, MMA, gymnastics, cheerleaders, hockey, football and lacrosse players, or people highly susceptible to skin infections. We have even found that many chemo patients find benefits in our soap. Anti3 Protect Series is also ideal for health care professionals, corrections officers, teachers, flight attendants or anyone that may come in frequent contact with germs.
Put Out Harmful Bacteria Fungus With Anti3 Protect Series A highly critical and dangerous job, firefighters put their lives at risk to save those in need. This high-risk occupation has firefighters in contact with blood, sweat and saliva of those they are trying to rescue. They need a way to disinfect their equipment, clothing and skin to avoid harmful skin infections such as Staph, MRSA and even Athlete’s Foot. Anti3 Protect Series helps protect those who dedicate their lives to protecting the public. Firefighters have tons and tons of gear to help guard them from the environments they face daily. However, it is still common for them to get blood, sweat or saliva on their gear and that puts them at risk for skin infections. Anti3 Protect Series offers a way for firefighters to easily clean their gear and safeguard them from skin infections. Firefighter equipment disinfecting spray helps disinfect helmets, boots and gloves as well as deodorizes equipment from any odors such as smoke. It is extremely important for firefighters to cleanse themselves as soon as they are potentially exposed to dangerous bacteria, however it is often hard for them to find time to disinfect. Anti3 Protect Series Foaming Dry Washoffers a quick way to kill germs after they have been exposed to bacteria or fungus. This disinfecting sanitizer is an antibacterial, antifungal and deodorizer that also moisturizes and freshens skin after a day of being exposed to smoke and other dangerous environments. Like it? Share it!More by this author |