Which Schemes of Reliance Mutual Fund can Earn the Best Results?
Posted by Dishika Baheti on July 17th, 2018

Every year, an army of options enter the mutual fund market. While some schemes are genuinely solid, mostly fall prey to the market uncertainties and perish swiftly. In such situations, you ought to be diligent enough to find out the schemes that have solid foundations and the capability to stay stable in the long run. Hence, to assure that you have made a move in the right direction and your money is in safe hands, you need to cling to a brand that has an old history of excellence, servility and success. And what better is there than Reliance Mutual Fund?
Set up during the depressing phase of the early 90’s economic crunch, the fund was the show-stopper amidst the cyclone of financial difficulties. Its start was turbulent owing to the obvious circumstances, but it soon achieved a lift in its performance and became one of the leading asset management companies in India in the private sector.
As of March, 2018 the fund’s assets stood at a record value of Rs. 2, 44, 904 crore – an increase of more than 16% in just one financial year. This is not the only massive score achieved by Reliance MF. Reports say that the AMC has banked more than 25 lac SIP investments, with an approximate annual investment inflow of Rs 9000 crore via SIP plans. This figure has arrived after the stupendous growth of 70% in SIP bookings, that too just in the financial year 2018 itself.
The answer to this outstanding success and growth of Reliance Mutual Funds in India lies in its indelible schemes, nurtured with professionalism and foresightedness. A brief account of some of the best schemes provided by Reliance MF has been given below, so that the readers will get familiar with the variety offered, plus will also be able to find out the kind of schemes that will suit them the best.
The Schemes Offered by Reliance Mutual Fund
- Reliance Small Cap (G) : This fund is the face of the success of the Indian mutual fund industry, and an emblem of growth, development and success. The fund took a magnificent start in the year 2018, swinging higher than the benchmark. According to the sources, the value of SIP investments made in the fund grew by as much as 67.75% in less than three years, commencing from June 2015. Further, the past record of the returns spilled by the fund is phenomenal, where the average yield stands at the alluring figure of 34.96%. Other top and senior funds in the small cap category, that have even earned five stars from CRISIL, feel out of breath in front of such a huge score of returns, as their average is still lying somewhere between 28-30%. If you have the fire to grow rapidly and can tolerate some bruises in the process, then you must invest in Reliance Small Cap Fund.
- Reliance Growth Fund (G) : Yet another awesome scheme developed by Reliance Mutual Fund, it is a solid investment option for those who prefer less risky investment than small cap funds but want high growth. The past five-year returns of the fund, averaging 19.48%, give a fair cue that the fund is indeed one of the fastest earning funds in the arena of contemporary investing. If you have the desire to earn high returns but want to dodge high risks, then this is the fund you ought to be adding to your cart this year.
- Reliance Large Cap Fund (G) : The fund, as evident from its name, belongs to the mature segment of equity, i.e., the large cap funds. This category is known for its tolerance against high risks, and is thus considered by the overpopulated risk-averse category of investors. The reason the fund is growing on the inventors is the spectacular results that it has achieved that amount to 19.02% returns, much higher than the benchmark and the category average.
- Reliance Gilt Fund (G) : This fund stays true to its identity by searching and investing in the top government securities that can pay the best returns. It is rated as a five-star fund by CRISIL, and is suited best for drawing short-term plans to achieve financial or other objectives. However, mind that the duration of your investment, though short, shall be reasonable as the fund imposes a penalty of 0.25% on redemption made within 15 days.
The above listed funds are the testimony of the greatness and diversity of Reliance Mutual Fund, since it has products for the present investors and also for the posterity. Find out which fund will suit you, and plan an investment now.