Julio Licinio-Well Known Psychiatric Expert

Posted by JulioLicinio on July 18th, 2018

Julio Licinio is an Associate Professor in the Clinical Psychology Department in Albuquerque at the University Of New Mexico School Of Medicine. A board member of the Mexico Society of Adlerian Psychology He is known among the many faculty and students attending and presenting at their every class. He has helped thousands of patients which include CEOs, elected officials, professional athletes and world-renown artists.

Dr. Julio Licinio is also one of the most well-known professional witnesses in legal cases of psychiatry. He was previously a deputy director at the Southern Australia health and Medical Research Institute and he was the head over there. He was teaching about the theme of mind and head and you can get rid of stress and stay calm. He has done a deep research on the causes of depression and after that, he has found that almost 40% of people suffered from depression due to genetic disorders. He also published a book on two major medical topics which are pharmacogenomics and biography on depression.

The pharmacogenomics is a branch of genetics that is concerned with determining the genetic makeup of an individual affects their response to drugs. He also describes in their books about the link between depression and antidepressants fatness and he also received many appreciations from the Google and readers. Overall, he has published 12 books and more than 240 research paper that help many people to get rid of their depression effectively.

Dr. Julio Licinio is the best author of numerous books on developing self-confidence, growing success and overcoming depression, stress diseases, and other psychological difficulties. He is well-trained and expert on psychiatry, a profitable speaker and a helpful editor at Good Housekeeping.

So, these are a summary of Well-known professional Dr. Julio Licinio who has given much time in research on the welfare of society. He is the best professor and has many happy students that always follow them.

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Joined: June 14th, 2017
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