Use Power Conditioning Unit and Get the Best Quality Services

Posted by Olivia Morgon on July 25th, 2018

Solar power conditioning unit or PCU is nothing but an integrated system involving a grid charger, inverter, and a solar charge controller. It offers the opportunity to charge the battery bank with the help of DG/grid or solar set. The Power Conditioning Unit constantly monitors the condition of the solar power output, battery voltage, and the load as well.

Because of continuous use of power, in case the voltage of the battery goes below the set level, then the power conditioning unit would transfer the load automatically to the DG/grid power and charge at the same time. The PCU gives advantages to the solar power and would use DG/grid power when the battery charger or solar power is incapable of meeting the load requirement.

Features of PCU:

If you are familiar with the features of a power conditioning unit, then you should check the below points:

User-friendly display

Noiseless in operation

High surge capacity for starting heavier load

Thermal protection

High reliability and high efficiency

Get Familiar with the Applications of PCU

PCU or power conditioning unit manufactured by Statcon Electronic India Limited serves the purposes in the following areas:

Medical facilities particularly in remote areas

Electrification of villages in rural areas

Emergency communication system

Radio repeater stations/microwave

Shop, offices, micro-enterprises etc.

The Power source for resorts and summer vacation homes

Electrification of educational institutions in remote areas

Road/rail signals

Aviation obstruction lighting system

Livestock watering and water suppliesThe Pumping system for rural, irrigationEnvironmental data and water quality monitoring system

So, if you are planning to buy solar PCU in order to fulfill your requirement, then now you don’t need to go here and there because Statcon Electronic India Limited comes up with top-quality Power conditioning unit that offers unexpected results and makes you satisfied at the same time. So, don’t waste your time. Call at 91-120-3356101 to more about our service

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Olivia Morgon

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Olivia Morgon
Joined: May 29th, 2018
Articles Posted: 308

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