Finding Your Ray Of Hope During Atrocities

Posted by albert on July 26th, 2018

Hans Graf von Lehndorff, a doctor and chronicler wrote in his diary in the year 1944 that the light of East Prussia gleamed brightly during the deceptively beautiful summers with the sky so high and the countryside so vast. Despite the seemingly alluring weather, the streets started filling up with the German refugees from Lithuania whose abandoned cattle wandered around the countryside. The Second World War affected the British people in a devastating manner. Proving to be a turning point for them, the WW2 had brought in a common purpose amongst the fellow countrymen and it was to support those who were on the front defending them. After the atrocious war ended, everything changed, both politically as well as socially.

War that changed the world
The Second World War changed the face of everything, socially, economically, and politically. During the war, children were massively affected since more than two million children were evacuated from their homes and the rest had to endure gas mask lessons, rationing, and living with absolute strangers. The war brought in a time of confusion and fear and that lead to separation of families where homes were being destroyed and children were losing their parents. The biggest cause of disruption that came in to the children’s lives was the evacuation. In pursuance of saving the children during the war, the government’s voluntary evacuation scheme moved millions of children to safety in the fear of German bombing. This led to more adversities. The education of the children suffered in an adverse manner during the war for almost all the schools were requisitioned by the government and the others were bombed. The young male teachers were asked to join the forces while the children had to cram up in small rooms to attend school and they faced a dearth of stationery and books supply. In the place of those teachers, older teachers were appointed who had already retired from their previous jobs and the war led to a significant drop in the level of literacy and numeracy amongst the children.

Every dark cloud has a silver lining
Facing all these atrocities, Britain did not give up and in the column of Colliers Weekly Magazine, it was written by an American columnist, “There is no panic, no fear, no despair in London Town…London can take it” and this turned out to be true. Despite the hard times which seems impossible to overcome, there was a ray of hope and they did find a silver lining encircling the dark clouds. Things changed from what it used to be but people did not forget how to live. They found pleasure in small things, treasuring the books, sharing their laughter and supporting each other in times of need for there was some good in this evil that brought people closer and not only the children but also the elderly found fun and laughter in retirement as they fought together while overcoming the challenges.

Author’s bio: The author is an avid writer and this article talks about how life changed during WW2 and how people coped up.

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Joined: April 23rd, 2018
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