Rely upon certified professionals for MTHFR treatment in Sydney!!!

Posted by Joanne kennedy on August 1st, 2018

Health issues concerning MTHFR and methylation issues are becoming increasingly prevelant today. Scientific research confirms that the MTHR gene mutation causes a down regulation of the MTHFR enzyme functioning, which can lead to an increase in homocysteine. High homocysteine can cause recurrent miscarriage, stroke, cardiovascular disease, migraine, depression and anxiety.

High homocysteine is only one part of the problem that can occur with issues with the methylation cycle. Other issues are due to the reduction in the production of SAM.

The MTHFR gene encodes the enzyme, methylentetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR). This enzyme catalysis the synthesis of 5-methyletetrahydrofole (the bioactive form of folate the body uses). 5-methyletetrahydrofolate donates methyl groups for the re-methylation of homocysteine to methionine, which is a precursor of s-adenosylmethionine (SAM). SAM is the major methyl donor in the body used for methylation.

Insufficient production of SAM can lead to issues with liver detoxification of hormones and neurotransmitters which can cause anxiety, depression, fatigue, heavy periods, PMS mood disturbances and sleep issues. Insufficient SAM will also hinder your ability to break down histamine causing headaches, migraines, irritability, dizziness and insomnia. Furthermore, SAM is required to make phosphatidycholine which is important for protecting your cell membrane, nerves and making bile acids which are important for lowering cholesterol.

Due to the complex nature of the methylation pathways and MTHFR gene, it is important to seek treatment from a naturopath who has experience in this area. The methylation pathway is affected by many environmental factors such as toxin exposure, diet, gut health and stress. An experienced naturopath in MTHFR will uncover all of these factors and work to unblock the pathways so that you can experience optimal health.

For MTHFR Naturopath treatment, you can first start by getting your MTHFR gene tested with a simple blood test. If you have a mutation in MTHFR then you should get further testing done to get an entire picture of what is going on with the methylation pathways. These tests include full blood count, biochemistry, folate, vitamin B12, homocysteine, zinc and copper. These tests will help the experts for MTHFR treatment provide the best treatment protocol for you.

Treatment for MTHFR and methylation cycle issues requires the services of professionals trained in the specialised area.

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Joanne kennedy

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Joanne kennedy
Joined: July 18th, 2017
Articles Posted: 34

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