What You Need to Know About Non-Surgical Nose Job

Posted by janet lin on August 25th, 2018

Non-surgical nose job is steadily on the rise. With more advanced medical technology, people are switching to low-risk procedures such as nose fillers and nose thread lift treatments to augment the nose.

The number of surgical nose jobs has dipped in recent years because it is a major procedure that is expensive and comes with long downtime. In addition, a surgical nose job is a one-time treatment that gives a permanent lift to the nose – whether you like the end result or not. In some cases, the implant left in the nose over several years may cause adverse side effects.

We speak to Dr. Siew Tuck Wah, Medical Director of Radium Medical Aesthetics, who performs non-surgical nose job such as nose fillers and nose thread lift at his clinic based in Singapore. 

What is non-surgical nose job?

Dr. Siew: There are generally 2 types of non-surgical nose treatments in Singapore: Nose filler and nose thread lift. Nose filler is a treatment that involves injecting hyaluronic acid into the nose bridge and tip to improve the appearance of the nose. On the other hand, nose thread lift is a treatment that is carried out by inserting fine, dissolvable threads into the nasal bridge and septum to enhance the projection of the nose.

Who is the best candidate for non-surgical nose job?

Dr. Siew: Nose fillers and nose thread lift treatment are relatively safe treatments if the doctor is experienced. Non-surgical nose jobs are great for people who are unhappy with the shape of their nose and may be considering a surgical rhinoplasty. Opting for a non-surgical nose job gives you the opportunity to explore if you are comfortable with the augmented nose. You can choose to undergo a surgical rhinoplasty when you are fully aware of the outcome. 

How long does a non-surgical nose job last?

Dr. Siew: A nose filler and nose thread lift can last from anywhere between 6 months and 18 months. The longevity of the result depends on your body’s metabolism.

Any side effects if we keep repeating the treatment?

Dr. Siew: Not at all! In fact, the more you repeat the treatments, the longer the results will last between treatments. Undergoing these treatments repeatedly stimulates new collagen production in the treated area, giving the nose a permanent lift.

What is the downtime associated with nose thread lift and nose fillers?

Dr. Siew: Although these treatments are non-surgical in nature, they are still considered minimally-invasive procedures. It is normal to swell and bruise anywhere between 2 and 4 days. However, most patients come in during lunch to have the treatment done, and then go back to work an hour later.

Will nose fillers make the nose look bigger?

Dr. Siew: It takes a lot of experience to administer nose fillers. Nose fillers must be placed in small amounts in strategic points to hide the flaws and sculpt a sharper nose. If placed incorrectly by inexperienced doctors, the filler can spread, making the nose look bigger and flatter. 

Do the procedures carry any risk?

Dr. Siew: Any medical procedure carries some risk. Other than the usual swelling and redness that you commonly see post-treatment, one of the biggest risk is blindness. Nose fillers can make you go blind if the fillers hit the artery on the face. Once again, such risks can be mitigated if you choose an experienced doctor to carry out the procedure.

How much do they cost?

Dr. Siew: Nose filler treatment starts from S8 and nose thread lift starts from S8. The final cost of both treatments depend on the amount of correction needed. 

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janet lin

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janet lin
Joined: August 25th, 2018
Articles Posted: 1