Dedicated Server WordPress Hosting

Posted by kiran yadav on August 31st, 2018

Many websites in the online channel use WordPress to present their content. Of them, numerous websites attract and record high traffic – everyday page visits exceed a threshold and thereby indicate that it is a frequently visited website. WordPress Hosting solutions are different and depending on the business requirement, organizations can choose one of the below hosting solutions for their WordPress websites.

  • Shared Hosting Plan – An organization shares their website hosting with other companies
  • Virtual Private Server Hosting Plan – This is similar to shared hosting but resource sharing is restricted virtually on the machine
  • Dedicated server WordPress Hosting Plan – A dedicated server with dedicated resources are allocated to a client

Why is dedicated server preferred over the others?

Of the three viable options, dedicated server WordPress Hosting is preferred for clients who have high traffic to their websites. This type of hosting solution gives better control to them for managing the resources that are allocated/ dedicated to fulfilling their business requirements. Under the broader sector of dedicated server plans, organizations can either opt for managed and unmanaged forms.

Getting the right partner to implement your hosting solution

WPOven will be a great partner for organizations looking for managed dedicated servers. Their services to cater to the hosting of websites in a dedicated server WordPress hosting are commendable and ensure the below benefits:

-          WPOven offer moderately priced plans in the managed form of the dedicated server hosting

-          The hosting solution ensure complete scalability and flexibility for server parameters such as bandwidth, storage space, and RAM

-          Highly secure solutions are deployed that assure the defensive model against malware attacks

-          Round the clock customer service is available for managing the hosting package and for fixing of issues

-          Support to the licensed software is easier as it is restricted to a dedicated resource space

-          Security updates and software updates are applied periodically keeping the hosting solution updated in every regard

-          Data backups are meticulously handled and recovery during hacks/ attacks are easily facilitated with almost no data loss

-          Efficiency and performance of the websites are monitored with statistics and hosting solution improvements are proactively suggested

-          The proximity of data centres can be selected in a dedicated server WordPress hosting in order to have fast loading sites

-          User friend UI (cPanel) for site administrators to work with!

Work on your high traffic websites with WPOven and see the benefits unfold!

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kiran yadav

About the Author

kiran yadav
Joined: January 15th, 2018
Articles Posted: 10

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