Pet Bottle Preform Two Blow Molding Techniques
Posted by preform nicole on September 12th, 2018
Pet blowing machine is used to package beverages in all countries of the world. Since the beverage industry is a huge industry, the global demand for bottle molds has been high. This in turn means that the bottle mould machinery department is very busy and buyers are always looking for new and old machines.
In general, there are two blow molding techniques in the design of (polyethylene terephthalate) bottle molds, as well as their blow molding in preform molding. Blow molding technology basically utilizes the thermoplasticity of PET to shape thermoplastics. The process can be injection blow molding or stretch blow molding. The well-known injection stretch blow molding and extrusion stretch blow molding processes, injection blow molding technology is very easy to control in the PET preform industrial molding process, and more effective than extrusion molding, fewer defects and waste methods.
Divided into two broad categories, a wide variety of bottle mold designs are considered worldwide, demanding, quality and cost-effective. One is a pressure bottle, such as a carbonated beverage bottle, and the other is a non-pressure bottle, such as tea, oil, and a filling bottle. It has been noted that as the technology and production scale of the Indian molding industry progresses, blow molding machines have also been automated. In fact, the production capacity of the equipment has also increased by about one year compared to the previous production record. Thousands to thousands of bottles per hour. In addition, the original manual tasks processed by the button have been thoroughly overhauled by the computer system, greatly reducing the difficulties encountered in the process operation and improving the stability and stability of the program.
The bottle molding process affects the environment and the environment through its blow molding system, as well as several other important factors. PET preform materials and molding processes should be chosen with great care and attention, which is highly dependent on positive and negative advantages. Based on experimental results, the similar viscosity of PET preformed molding materials (imported materials rather than domestic trading molding compounds) may require unique blow molding techniques. The main requirement for Pet Bottle Preform materials is that they are clear, pure and free of impurities, and there are no different color halos around the injection point and the length of the associated points.