EEA Permanent Residency and Detailed Description

Posted by loreen on September 19th, 2018

If you want to confirm your rights of residence in UK then you definitely need to issue your card of EEA permanent residency. You currently do not need it to prove but there are some circumstances than can be responsible for you to do this like,

  1. If you are an extended family member of EEA or European Economic Area or Switzerland then you need to do this.
  2. If you want to apply for British citizenship.
  3. It can also help you to sponsor your partner’s visa application under the Immigration Rules.

If you are already an EU citizen then you and your family will be need the application of settled status. Unless you are an extended family member of eligible person you do not need the registration certificate surely. After certain time period it won’t be a valid proof to show. Suppose, you are having a registration certificate but then also you need to apply for settled status if you want to keep staying in UK.

In case of EEA Permanent Residency what makes you a qualified person. Remember, you will be usually qualified if you are a citizen of an European Economic Area or EEA country or Switzerland then there are certain things to follow like,

  1. If you are a working person.
  2. If you are completing or pursuing a study.
  3. If you are self employed.
  4. If you are self sufficient to earn enough money.
  5. And if you are looking for work and all.

First of all you need to prove that you are a qualified person and you have to read some guidance notes to learn more about this to fill the form. You will need to provide some of supporting documents in order to showcase your situation. You can get the chance of applying your form online unless you are a student or self sufficient person or reliant on family member’s money or financially responsible for any of your family member.

In case of EEA permanent residency there are certain rules to apply for a qualified person. Remember, you can apply for a registration certificate anytime. But if you are not what it is said in the above criteria then you are not allowed to use this service surely.  

Sometimes, there are chances of getting permanent residency before 5 years. What are those criteria?

  1. In case, you stop working. If you stop working then you will immediately get permanent residence as you are now fall under the permanent incapacity. It means that you are now entitled to UK pension.
  2. If you are staying in UK for continuously 3 years then you can get the permanent residence but that too has some criteria like, a. When you reach the age of state pension then you must have been recognised as self-employed and worked for UK for 1 long continuous year and beforehand.
  3. If you have taken your retirement early and worked for 1 year continuously.

For EEA permanent residency you surely need to provide some documents at the time of application.

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