Get Long Term Relief With Natural Treatment For Anxiety

Posted by Joanne kennedy on September 25th, 2018

Deficiencies in important nutrients including amino acids, B group vitamins and zinc will lead to a deficiency in important neurotransmitters for mood including GABA, serotonin and dopamine. Furthermore, a deficiency in B Group vitamins and folate can cause histamine to build up in the brain, which will cause significant anxiety, irritation and insomnia. It is important to eat a balanced diet including animal protein and fish, vegetables, nuts and seeds to ensure you get adequate amounts of these important nutrients in your diet.

There are genetic disorders including pyoluria and MTHFR that can cause a deficiency in important nutrients for mood. Pyroluria causes people to have a deficiency in Vitamin B6 and zinc. Both of these nutrients are co-factors for the production of GABA, serotonin and dopamine. MTHFR gene mutation causes a reduction in the active form of folate, known as methylfolate. Methylfolate is important for the production of SAMe which degrades histamine.

It is important to know that Vitamin B6 and zinc are also involved in the production of progesterone which is a hormone produced in woman from ovulation. Progesterone is a very important hormone for women as it increased the production of GABA in the brain. Without sufficient production of GABA, women can feel very anxious.

Stress, particularly when it is chronic, will cause the adrenal glands to release excessive amount of cortisol. Excessive cortisol leads to an overactive hippocampus in the brain that controls the cirdadium rhythm sleep cycles. When this fails to function, insomnia occurs, which causes significant anxiety. Natural treatments for reducing cortisol include phosphatidylserine, magnesium, licorice, withania and rehmmania

Chronic stress and cortisol release also causes brain inflammation. Brain inflammation leads to a slowing down of neurotransmitter activity which causes brain fog, anxiety and depression. Other causes of brain inflammation include the consumption of inflammatory foods including gluten, sugar, processed foods and fried foods. Blood sugar imbalances also cause damage to the blood brain barrier along with environmental toxin exposure, elevated homocysteine and excessive alcohol intake. A damaged blood brain barrier leads to brain inflammation.

Natural ways to reduce brain inflammation include consuming anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant rich foods such as oily fish, nuts and seeds, fresh fruits and vegetables. Nutrients that reduce brain inflammation and heal the blood brain barrier include turmeric, resveratrol, methylcobalamin and fish oil.

Sydney Naturopath, has also identified foods high in histamine that cause anxiety in susceptible people. Foods high in histamine include fermented foods, aged cheeses, cured meats, caffeine, alcohol, tomato, avocado, banana, citrus fruit and tinned fish. Symptoms often include anxiety, irritability, insomnia, nausea, bloating, headache, shortness of breath and heart palpitations. Removing these foods from the diet whilst fixing any gut issues can give significant relief to these people suffering from histamine related anxiety.

Other common Natural Treatment For Anxiety include herbs such as passionflower, skullcap, Kava, ziziphyus, vervain, lemon balm, chamomile and holy basil.

Other than this, you can also consult the best doctor for Histamine Intolerance Treatment.

Occasional worry and situational anxiety is a normal human experienced. Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), however, is a disorder whereby the worrying becomes excessive, self perpetuating and difficult to control. Generalised anxiety disorder can be due to a number of factors including stressful life events, certain medications and medical conditions, sleep disorders, alcohol abuse, food intolerances and nutrient deficiencies.

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Joanne kennedy

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Joanne kennedy
Joined: July 18th, 2017
Articles Posted: 34

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