Difference between Personal Loans and Credit Card LoansPosted by poonam dambare on October 1st, 2018 Difference between Personal Loans and Credit Card LoansDifference between Personal Loans and Credit Card Loans So, what’s your plan of action, when you need urgent cash to meet your emergency needs and demands? Considering, there’s no one to help you out and you are left alone on your own, what is the first step, which you take to ease out the cash need for your emergency financial crisis? Are they, the Credit Cards or the Personal Loans? So, the question arises! Personal loans or the Credit Card Loans? If you are in dilemma, over the choice among them, you just need to look at several factors of both of them and should look towards yourself, in an effort to judge, what suits you the best? You may opt for swiping of your credit cards, or else you go for the traditional step of approaching your bank for the Personal Loan? The choice is yours! But, before making a choice of either of them, let’s take a deep dive in all important factors, plus points and downsides of both, the credit card loans and Personal Loans, before making a choice: Personal Loans Personal Loans are the unsecured Loans, which can be availed for various purposes. The purposes like Paying Medical Bills, Buying expensive gadgets or items, Planning a vacation or a trip anywhere, getting a home renovation work done, paying tuition fees, and all other works, which you can think of, can be covered by Personal Loans, without requiring to mention the specific purpose to the lending party. The Personal Loans are one of the fastest loan types in terms of approval, which requires a time limit of a maximum of around 24 hours for the approval. There are several people, who are offered pre-approved Personal Loans, thus helping them in the process for the instant cash needs. The Personal Loans are the unsecured loans and require no collateral at all. However, the approval for the loan amount and the rate of interest depends on the person’s repayment eligibility along with several other factors like CIBIL Score, Employment Status, the firm you are working in and many other such factors. While the Personal Loans are often availed for improving the Credit Score, the Personal Loans accompanies with several benefits besides the fulfillment of the need of the urgent requirement of a loan. Credit Card Loans The Credit Card Loans are too, the unsecured loans, which can be used for any purpose, just like Personal Loans. This credit Card Loans can be availed as the part of the Amount, which is left unused at your credit limit, and only a certain portion (as defined by the Credit Card Company) of the total limit, can be extracted physically from any ATM or can be availed as loan on the credit card scheme. The Credit Card Loans are only available to the credit card holders and can be availed only from the bank of which the credit card is. The Credit Card Loan comes with several salient features, with several factors like ease of getting the loan, along with the no documentation requirement feature of the credit card loan, favoring it. However, remember that the Cash Withdrawal and Loan on the Credit Cards are two different things. It has been seen that most people get confused over both the terms, while the Cash Withdrawal is the money, which you can extract from the ATM, Physically; the loan on the credit card is just like a Personal Loan, which needs to be paid by the bank, once you contact them for the same. The Cash Withdrawal calls for the higher rate of interest and goes up to 30%, while the loan on the credit card, usually range from 15% to 20%. So, what’s your choice between Personal Loans and Credit Card Loans? Want to go deeper into many other details, before making a choice? Here, we go! Personal Loans versus Credit Card Loans Both are the unsecured loan types, and thus they don’t require any collateral at all. But, still, there are lots of differences between the both. Take a look:
The Verdict: The Personal Loan is the sole winner
The Verdict: The Personal Loan is the sole winner
The Verdict: The Credit Card Loan is the sole winner
The Verdict: The Credit Card Loan is the sole winner
The Verdict: The Credit Card Loan and Personal Loans are the joint winners
The Verdict: The Credit Card Loan is the sole winner
The Verdict: The Personal Loan is the sole winner
The Verdict: The Personal Loan is the sole winner
The Verdict: The Personal Loan is the sole winner
The Verdict: The Credit Card Loan is the sole winner
The Verdict: The Credit Card Loan and Personal Loans are the joint winners Start accumulating emergency funds to handle emergency situations In an effort to keep a safe distance from all these troubles of getting loans, better keep adding funds in your emergency funds, to make yourself better equipped to handle any emergency conditions. It is being said that you must have either three of salary or 6 months of expenses, with you as an emergency fund. The emergency funds allow you to meet an instant needs and demands, especially to incur medical bills, which comes uninvited and all of a sudden. Keep a balance of what you earn, and how much you spend on. Either adjust with, what you have or else try increasing your income through various other means of earning. Dreams must be seen, but you must realize that there’s a difference between the dream and the reality. Help yourself by turning your dream into a reality with no burden of Loan. Get prepared very well There are several credit cards available in the market, which comes with different features and different limits. In order to better prepare yourself to handle the emergency situation, consider opting for a good limit credit card, and try improving the CIBIL Score with the regular payment of all Dues and EMIs. With the higher limit credit cards, you are offering yourself a chance to gather some good loan option through credit cards, while by collecting credit score for yourself, it will be helping you in your approval for Personal Loans as well as all other types of loans. Conclusion After comparing the loans, their downsides and their USPs, arriving at a concrete decision isn’t possible. In fact, which loan among Personal loan or the Credit Card Loan to go for, depends on the particular choice? It depends on the requirement in different scenarios. Take an example of two scenarios: Ramesh needs to cover his tuition fees for the abroad studies and the quantum of loan, which he needs for the purpose is around 10 lacs. Since the Credit Card Loans cannot fulfill this need of such a high loan requirement; he decided to opt for the Personal Loans. In another scenario, he is in the shortage of around 40000 INR, to meet his wedding costs; he went for the Credit Card Loans as no bank is ready to offer him the Personal Loan of INR 40K. In fact, the choice among the both is purely dependent on the scenario, you are in. There is no clear-cut choice among Personal Loan and a credit card loan and thus, it depends on you to make a choice among both. Understand your loan requirement, your cash inflow in the future and figure out after a thorough research on both, the Personal Loans and Credit Card Loans, before arriving at a conclusion, Analyze your situation, your loan requirements, your comfort zone, your preferences and only then make a choice for which Loan type, you should go for!
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