5 Surprising Health Benefits of Mayonnaise

Posted by kunal joshi on October 16th, 2018

Mayonnaise is one such food product which has only been growing popular, be it among the teens or among adults. Mayonnaise uses egg yolk, oil, and an acid, mostly lemon or vinegar, to finally form the eatable dressing or sauce. It is used in various food items such as sandwiches, salads and bread rolls, to name a few. However, this tasty dressing is often a point of query, that is, is mayonnaise healthy?

Listed below are five surprising health benefits of mayonnaise:

  1. A major component of mayonnaise is the egg: Egg contains protein and is very nutritious for the body. Eating mayonnaise will provide the necessary amount of protein to your body but it can also be applied directly on the roots of your hair. Mayonnaise will not only strengthen the hair but also render a shiny and smooth texture to it.
  2. Various recipes with mayonnaise in them prove to be healthier: than most other supposedly healthy food in the market, that contains no mayonnaise. Different types of salad with mayonnaise dressing are rather good for your health as they contain fewer carbohydrates and more of protein.
  3. The Vitamin E in mayonnaise prevents heart strokes: Mayonnaise also contains Omega-3 that keeps your heart healthy and can prevent the sudden risk of heart attacks. Thus, mayonnaise is good for heart health.
  4. The fat content in mayonnaise is simple fats and not saturated fats: The unsaturated fats are called healthy fats or good fats and are necessary for a normal level of cholesterol. These good fats aids in the absorption of important nutrients and thereby reduce the risk of high blood cholesterol level.
  5. Mayonnaise contains Vitamin K and Vitamin E: along with a good amount of potassium, sodium, and selenium. Selenium fights premature aging of the skin and hair and keeps the immune system free from radical damage. On the other hand, potassium helps your body become stronger and improves your metabolism.

It is not a surprise that mayonnaise contains a good amount of fat but that does not mean you should totally strike it off from your diet. When consumed in normal amounts and with healthy food options, such as salad, you can actually reap the benefits of this dressing. Some mayonnaise brands in India, such as Nutralite, also manufacture veg mayonnaise which is equally healthy and can be included in the diet of vegetarians.

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kunal joshi

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kunal joshi
Joined: August 13th, 2018
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