Fight against cancer

Posted by Winnie Melda on October 19th, 2018

In this article, the author discusses the continued fight against cancer. The key character is Farber who is on a mission to redesign cancer research, and his goal is to discover the cure for cancer.  Thus the story relates to  the fight against cancer.  Farber , in this case, was fortunate to have lived in a time that was deeply fractured period in the history of cancer."

Therefore this chapter presents an argument between the concept of radical surgery and simple surgery. All of which according to the author had little thought about the patient and much more concern regarding results.  The author's focus is on the need to have them changing their practices while advocating for a new method. And once again, the question of basic research reared its head, as the scientists and doctors proposed tailoring drugs to attack, tumors instead of the flinging random drug combinations at tumors. It, therefore, involved discovering the first drug to target a weakness in cancer cells whicg was a breakthrough.  An example is presented about one particular researcher Mary Cole, who considered using taxifolin for chemotherapy in the early stages of breast cancer. This would help  scour the cancer out of the patient’s system without surgery.

In spite of the proven effectiveness of chemotherapy many cancer surgeons scoffed at the idea chemotherapy could improve their work and refused to participate. However to get around medical opposition, and the limits that existed in the field of medicine it therefore required a  medical establishment on the status quo of cancer treatment, hence in 1972, the NCI finally established a test of the chemotherapy and surgery combination approach.Therefore when it came to emphasizing the importance of prevention, this chapter perspective contributed to the moment at which the war on cancer became a war on smoking as many physicians were focused on saving any additional lives through prevention rather than treatment. this was based on widely-accepted discoveries, that prevention produced the best results in the fight against cancer.

Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at Melda Research in legitimate research paper writing services if you need a similar paper you can place your order for buy narrative essay.

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Winnie Melda

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Winnie Melda
Joined: December 7th, 2017
Articles Posted: 364

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