Selenium Testing Challenges Testers Face with

Posted by Infocampus HR on October 23rd, 2018

Selenium computerizes the program to emulate genuine client activities on the web. As the web gets more perplexing, utilizing Selenium to test has turned out to be progressively well known. Despite the fact that it has made web testing far less demanding for some groups and associations over the world, regardless it has a considerable amount of difficulties due it's open source nature.

A large portion of the issues that analyzers encounter have genuinely straight forward arrangements, or, in other words sketched out the most widely recognized Selenium difficulties and how to settle them.

Spring Up Windows:-

At the point when a basic, provoke, or affirmation ready springs up, it tends to be hard to computerize it to either acknowledge or close. Also, Windows-based cautions are past Selenium's capacities since they're a piece of the working selenium training in Marathahalli framework rather than the program. Nonetheless, since Selenium can work in different windows, online cautions can for the most part be taken care of with the switchTo technique to control the spring up while keeping the program out of sight.

Dynamic Content:-

A website page that has progressively stacked substance has components that may not be at first obvious when you visit the webpage. This can imply that the page is client particular and will show diverse substance dependent on various clients, new substance shows up on the page after a specific measure of time, or it shows up in the wake of clicking something on the page. For when a locator can't distinguish another component present around then, Selenium accompanies an incorporated Explicit Wait where you can determine a measure of time to hold up before mechanizing a direction. This should help give the page enough time to stack and distinguish the component to connect with.


Now and again Selenium will give you flaky tests, which implies they'll return as positive or negative when they really are the inverse. In the end, such a large number of flaky tests may mean analyzers may disregard the outcomes, however this is certifiably not an incredible choice either. In many cases, unsteady forms can be a result of one of numerous variables: poor test segregation, flaky outside administrations, and timeouts. By inspecting the components of your Selenium tests, it'll be simpler to discover why your assembles are insecure so you can approach the issue head-on.

Can't Test Mobile Apps:-

While Selenium can test on any working framework and program on work areas, it's restricted with regards to versatile testing in that it can't keep running on local working frameworks like iOS and Android. Along these lines, for instance, the adaptation of Facebook you pull up on Safari on your Mac can be tried with Selenium, yet not the one on versatile Safari – on your iPhone 7. The Selenium family has an answer. It's cousin, Appium, is an open source test mechanization system that drives iOS and Android local, portable, and half and half applications utilizing the WebDriver convention and can be utilized for this reason for testing versatile applications rather than web applications. As clients progressively move to cell phones, it's nothing unexpected that designers and analyzers are exploiting the functionalities of Appium for this reason.

Constrained Reporting and Documentation:-

While Selenium will exponentially build your mechanized testing capacities, as it's an open source instrument, it is restricted in its highlights and does not bolster much investigating its own. For this reason, Selenium is best complimented with an outsider apparatus like CrossBrowserTesting that can catch screen captures and offer reports through combinations like Slack and HipChat. In any case, you can likewise set up a system to produce a yield organizer after a test with report data like mistakes, execution time, pass/come up short tally, and so forth., like TestNG.

Multi-Tab Testing:-

Selenium can test in various tabs, yet it may present as an obstruction in the event that you don't have the foggiest idea about the right directions. For instance, in the event that you need to open another tab to play out a particular activity without leaving the first tab, regardless you'll need to have the capacity to control the two tabs and return to the parent tab if clients are probably going to play out these sorts of activities. The best strategy for this is to store the past window handle in a variable and after that proceed in the new window and store that in a second factor. At that point, you can utilize the switchTo strategy to go between the two windows as required.

No Manual Testing:-

Numerous analyzers will get amped up for Selenium's capacities and expect that they can robotize everything when actually this simply isn't conceivable. Actually, a considerable measure of computerization depends on fundamental manual testing endeavors. Or maybe, figuring out how to organize which tests to mechanize will be advantageous to any analyzer. Furthermore, as we made reference to, Selenium needs abilities for visual testing, or, in other words testing past usefulness to survey by and large client encounter. The most productive approach to do visual testing is by redistributing to an outsider screen capture instrument that incorporates with Selenium.


Once more, while Selenium enables you to test on basically any program or working framework, it's as yet constrained in what number of tests it can keep running without a moment's delay and how quick it can run them dependent on what number of center point/hub setups the analyzer has. What's more, once more, as your product scales, so should your testing. Without a Selenium matrix, you can just test consecutively. Nonetheless, with a Selenium lattice and a gadget lab or an outsider cloud device like CrossBrowserTesting, you can test in parallel. This implies products tests on various designs can keep running in the meantime, lessening the time it takes to run mechanized tests and expanding the setups you can test on.


Extraordinary compared to other things about being a product analyzer is that there's continually something new to learn. As the business moved from manual to robotization, analyzers were entrusted with adapting new abilities, for example, programming.

Presently, as they turn out to be more acquainted with computerization methods and apparatuses, for example, Selenium, it's allow’able that they'll experience more difficulties as they investigate and acclimate themselves with new testing patterns. Luckily selenium training in Bangalore, as programming keeps on developing, specialists can rely upon experiences and support from whatever remains of the testing network to ensure they're keeping up.

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Infocampus HR

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Infocampus HR
Joined: December 10th, 2016
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