How to Make E-Cigarette Battery Last Long

Posted by Phoebe Lambert on October 26th, 2018

Electronic cigarettes or e-cigs are one that has replaced the tobacco cigarettes to a greater extent. Many adults have switched to e-cigs from tobacco cigarettes, as these are less injurious to health. One thing that is essential with buying e-cigs is to know better about its flavors and battery as well. There are many online shopping brands as well that provide one of the best and affordable e-cigs. One of the best branded and durable products that are available are at E-cigarette online shop UK. While using e-cigarettes it is necessary to have a long life battery. There are many ways in which one can be ways of increasing the lifeline of the e-cigs batteries. These are as follow:

  • Always Turn off the Battery of Vaporizer:

When one stops using the e-cigarettes it is important to turn off the vaporizer. Most of the time people assume that if the e-cigs are not in use and the vaporizer’s power is on, it would not use the battery. This is wrong, just like another appliance if the TV or oven is not in use but its power is on it would use some amount of battery. So it is essential to turn off the vaporizer in order to save the battery.

  • Avoid Overcharging the Battery:

Overcharging can bring the excess strain over the e-cigarette's battery. Leaving the battery for charging overnight can lead to a decrease in the overall lifespan of the battery. Therefore it is necessary to know that overcharging the battery can lead to a great damage to it. In order to increase the life of the battery, it is important to charge the battery up to its full limit or lesser but not more than that.

  • Storing with a Full Battery:

If the e-cig is not in use for weeks and one would not use it anytime sooner, it is better to store the e-cigs with a full battery. It is said because when the battery is not in use, it would drain gradually as long as it is being stored. So if one store it with low battery or mild battery it would end up being dead. Meanwhile, when the e-cigs are being used after a while the battery requires extra energy to work harder. It is therefore recommended to store battery of e-cigs with a full battery in order to stop it from draining.

  • Keep the Vaporizer and Battery Clean:

When the e-cigs are in use frequently, they get dirty easily. The connection between the battery and the vaporizer can get dirtier and blocked easily due to use of different flavors and carelessness as well. If the batteries are dirtier it takes double energy to work properly. Therefore keep the e-cigs and the vaporizer’s connection cleaner so that it would not add extra energy over the battery while in use. So keep the batteries safe while keeping them clean.

In order to keep the battery of e-cigs last longer it is essential to keep them cleane and also not overly charged. Store them with great care and use them carefully.

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Phoebe Lambert

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Phoebe Lambert
Joined: January 18th, 2018
Articles Posted: 66

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