Finding a Same Sex Divorce Lawyer In Central Florida

Posted by jjlawfl on November 18th, 2018

For the most part, family law cases involving same sex marriages are resolved similar to those involving heterosexual divorce. Gay marriage has been legalized in the State of Florida, and the courts are therefore required to adjudicate same sex divorce cases as they would heterosexual divorce cases. When looking for a same sex divorce lawyer in Central Florida, it is important to keep in mind the unique factual predicates that may be present in same sex divorces.

Given that gay divorce Orlando and hetero divorce are governed by the same legal Rules and standards (and by case law precedent by virtue of the legalization of gay marriage), it is essential to work with a same sex divorce lawyer that understands the laws of the Florida family law courts.

A mastery of the laws governing same sex marriages and divorces will likely come over time to most practicing attorneys. It is only fairly recently that Florida family law courts have been hearing cases involving same sex divorce.

Hiring a same sex divorce lawyer in Central Florida or an LGBT divorce lawyer Orlando is not entirely dissimilar from hiring any member of our family law profession. Take your time. Find an attorney that explains the process, is interested in your facts, and appreciates your time and effort on behalf of your family.

An LGBT divorce lawyer Orlando, should be aware of the additional issues that LGBT divorces may involve. For instance, adoption is a major component in this field of law. Many same sex couples will adopt children, and many others will undergo fertility treatments that result in the birth of children. This can make the cases more complex. Again, the laws are the same or similar for all divorcing parties, but the facts of gay divorce cases may present unique and challenging issues for the courts to decide.

Although many attorneys like to discuss potential outcomes with their clients, if the facts of the case present a singular or newfound scenario, this may prove to be difficult. Cultivating a specialty in same sex divorce law may take a great deal of time and experience, but it should also be rewarding and enlightening.

An LGBT divorce lawyer Orlando should also have a measure of cultural sensitivity and compassion for his or her clientele. Divorce is difficult and challenging. Facing the legal ramifications of divorce, which may involve increases or reductions in timesharing with one’s children can be trying.

Jonathan Jacobs is a same sex divorce lawyer in Central Florida and an LGBT divorce lawyer Orlando.

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