Pune- Ideal for Your Dream Home

Posted by Arwind Sharma on November 26th, 2018

Building one’s own independent home on a plot of land as per one’s requirement is one of the most satisfying things that one can do. A lot of work is required to get to that point but the end result is always worth it. If one wants to build a house with the help of a home loan in Pune, of their choice in a successful manner, then certain things have to be kept in mind. Building one’s dream home consists of two major steps and the first is the acquisition of the land and the second is the building of the house. Some careful planning is required to go ahead with these two aspects.

  • Choosing the right plot of land in the right location is an important task. One has to go through various documents to ensure that this first step goes smoothly.
  • The title deed is the document that details the owner’s name of the property. It is important to get the original deed for study and a trusted lawyer has to go through it.
  • The buyer must also ask for the encumbrance certificate preferably for the last 30 years. This would ensure that there is no legal dispute with the plot and one can know about the entire history of the plot.
  • The ownership structure of the property should be next looked into. If the plot was owned by two or more owners, everyone should have cleared the transaction in full.

Once the plot has been cleared, the next part is to start building the home. This can also be a very creative experience and before one starts, there are a few things to consider.

This happens to be the most important step. Home owners should have all the basic information like cost of the building materials. The cost of the building the home varies because a lot depends on the locality, raw material, design and structure of the house. One should also know about labor rates and transport expenses in the region.

One should find out about the fair rate of building a house. Thankfully, if one applies for a loan, then one can get good home loan rates with which to finance the building of the home. However, it is also important for the home buyer to find out about the fair price for building the home. In a city like Pune, the construction cost maybe anywhere between Rs 600 to Rs 1800 sq feet. Most people do not realize that even if they end up paying Rs 100 per sq feet, which does not seem like much in the beginning, one could be overpaying by Rs 3 lakhs or more depending upon the size of the house.

Selecting the right contractor would be a crucial step because after all, this is the person you will have to rely on who would give shape to your dreams. Take quotes from various contractors and compare their prices. Do not always settle for someone who is offering the cheapest rates. Go through their past records of building houses, the kind of raw materials they use and source it from and whether they completed the project within deadline. Look for direct references who can provide you first hand information about the quality of his work.

It is important to be constantly involved in the construction process so that one can supervise the nature of the work and keep a tab on the expenses. After all, you would have to finish the construction based on the home loan approved by the bank.

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Arwind Sharma

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Arwind Sharma
Joined: April 15th, 2016
Articles Posted: 48

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