CPA for Cannabis Business: Why You Need Them And What They Should Do?Posted by Sunder Singh on November 26th, 2018 As the legalization is spreading rapidly across the county, it has started to have its effect on the cannabis industry as well. You hardly find large-scale cannabis CPA in high-growth, and complex space and the cannabis companies should adapt their financial practices to stay afloat. If you fail to comply with strict regulations, then you may have to pay hefty penalties to remain in business. The Need for CPAAll these things create the need for CPA. And for a skilled CPA, the opportunities are tremendous for them as the market is set to reach USD 70 billion in the US by 2021. It is where they can help all the cannabis businesses who are in dire need of their help. The steps that CPAs need to take are: Get The Required EducationThe first step is to learn all you can about the accounting and the operations. You should also educate yourself about the political and the tax issues which affect this business at different levels. You should also consider how the major problems in this area can be mitigated. You should also take a look at the cannabis sections of the AICPA website. A CPA should also know about the cannabis cost accounting procedures as this industry is highly regulated so the business owners have to take due care and should be ready for the audit at any moment. Engage With Business LeadersA cannabis CPA should also join or follow every group available on the social media both in the legal and the soon-to-be-legal markets. If you can get the opportunity to meet with the business decision-makers, then you should avail it in many ways. You should emphasize the importance of cost accounting to the Cannabis business. You should also discuss how the tricky management issues will be taken care of. Deliver World Class ServiceWhen you immerse in the cannabis space, you should partner and network with other providers and the other CPAs who have the skills you lack. You should offer a complete solution to the CEOs to include bookkeeping, controllership. You may also provide a perfect solution the CFO, and if the need arises, you might partner with a CPA who is active in tax planning. In the EndWhen you are hiring a cannabis CPA, you should find out what they can do for the business and how they should update themselves. Like it? Share it!More by this author |