Posted by Rihanna Dsouza on November 28th, 2018

As time has developed there are a number of industries coming forward. The thirst for more is insatiable when it comes to mankind. To fulfil these needs a lot of industries have been established in order to meet the market demands.

One such industry which has been on the rise in the 21st century is the architecture segment of the economy. The Interior Design Firms in Pune and Mumbai, Delhi and many other places have helped in the construction major metropolitan buildings as they have acted as a catalyst to globalization. However, the overall environmental health of mother earth is being ignored while be engage in the activities of urbanization.

India in the past years has seen an increase in the pollution rate the increase in the loss of our non-renewable sources leading to a complete change in the dimensions of the environment. As a place to live for the people need to be constructed the forests have been cut down. The cutting up of the forest has led to global warming. Urbanisation has brought a complete change in the world harming its climate and balance. Sustainability is what every firm must look to achieve which Sarayan Group looks to practice and achieve in the long run.

As time is changing so should we. The race of urbanization leads to the need of resources leading to building up of industries which eventually leads to the need of architects. Architects are responsible for spear heading this revolution of globalization as it all starts with the design or the layout plan which they are responsible of creating. Hence, the burden of sustainability lies heavily upon the present day architects.

Causing minimum damage to the environment is also one of the saying the architects follow in order not to hurt the earth. According to Mr Patrick "a well sufficient and qualified architect is that who knows how to manage the environment and the place together. This is what our company Sarayan Group strongly believes in and looks to achieve in the long-run". But sometimes the need to protect the environment is lost. During such cases, the earth is profoundly ruined with global warming, floods all hurting the man race. More companies need to realize such aspects so that ethical environmental strategies can be adopted while conducting business.

In the past years, the extent of global warming has increased because of this the glaciers have also started to melt. Even the toughest part of the environment is affected by urbanisation and should be taken care of. Taking part in environmental friendly practices can also be used to elevate the goodwill of a concerned business organization as the reputation of the firm increases by promoting such activities.

Urbanisation is essential and should be followed but as it is said anything in excess is also not good. Hence the people also need to understand that they need to control their desire for more and more. As wishing for something which is not at all essential harms the environment, the Interior Design Companies in Pune such as Sarayan Group are well aware of these things.

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Rihanna Dsouza

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Rihanna Dsouza
Joined: July 20th, 2016
Articles Posted: 167

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