Old Man Winter Is Coming

Posted by edwardjohnson on November 29th, 2018

You may have noticed it a few weeks ago. It started with that first early morning cold snap. Your built-in onboard body chemistry -- not to mention the goose bumps on your arms, told you the cold season was on the way. 

The world is in a state of constant change. Colder days and colder nights signal that Old Man Winter will arrive soon. The first part of the winter season is also the time of year when we are more susceptible to catching a cold. 

We sometimes forget because we've gone an entire year feeling like ourselves. But then one day you're suddenly feeling out-of-sorts. Maybe you can't put your finger on it because you like to think of yourself as being tougher than most. There are germs everywhere and they are out to get you if you don't protect yourself. 

Here's a heads up article to help you stay your healthy and happy self. You can start by simply making sure you're listening to your body. Don't write off and ignore the little things it's telling you. For example: 

  • Loss of appetite

  • A headache

  • A sore throat

  • A fever

  • Increased coughing

These are the early signs. If you notice them at the beginning, you have a fighting chance of stopping things from getting worse. This means it's time to take your multivitamins. An easy-to-swallow option you could try is gummy vitamins. The nice thing about these gummies is that you won't need to drink a glass of water. 

Smartypants you, the person known for always finding better ways to take care of yourself. In addition to eating right, get enough exercise and sleep. You know that replenishing your body with healthy nutrients will only give you more of a fighting chance against the beast that is the common cold. 

A Fighting Chance 

Gone are the days when we had to ingest bad-tasting cod liver oil to help us find our equilibrium. The cod oil worked, but it was not a pleasant experience. Today, we have better tasting go to options. 

In terms of gummy vitamins, they are loaded with the same Omega 3's we've learned over time work from watching health-related television programs. Omega 3 fatty acids come from wild-caught fish from mother nature's ocean waters. Other good-for-you ingredients that come inside the vitamin are vitamin D3 and vitamin B12. 

The Basics of Staying Healthy 

Here are a few things you can do that will help you stay your healthy best. Stay healthy basics: wash your hands regularly -- with hot soapy water. Sometimes when the weather turns colder, we may skip hand washing, telling ourselves the water is too old. Don't do that. 

Be cognizant of the things you touch. Again, you can't actually see germs with the naked eye, so avoid touching public doorknobs and handles with your bare hand. Wipe down counters with a quality disinfectant. Don't blindly touch or eat in establishments with poor cleaning practices. This means be doubly on guard in the restrooms of public establishments. 

It should be mentioned since winter IS approaching to get your annual vaccination. Doing so will ensure you are protected for when those dastardly germs make their way into your delicate system. 

Flu Prevention 

Because we are into the flu season, those with compromised immune systems should take precaution and protect themselves at all cost. The same for diabetes and asthma sufferers. Since the common cold is transmitted through the air, you never really know when you have been infected. Maintaining a healthy body should be at a premium. 

Your healthcare professional will tell you first to make sure you're taking in enough fluids. Get enough bed rest. Stop in for your annual flu shot. To prevent spreading the cold, cover your mouth when you cough. And if you should begin to feel like crap, visit your nearest hospital just to be sure it's not something much worse. 

What Else Can I Do? 

Keep to yourself. In other words, don't go to work if you know you have the flu. Your employer will understand. It will actually hurt the company more to have you there -- infecting others. So it's a good idea to keep your distance if you have the flu. Or, if you know someone who has the flu, to keep away from them. It's not personal. It can be in some cases a matter of life and death. 

Can I Die From The Flu 

Okay, time for grown-up talk here. Yes, you can die from the flu. In fact, each year, many Americans lives come to an end because of the flu. A lot of these deaths are the young and the elderly, but it can happen to anyone if the flu is bad enough. Be smart and protect yourself through this winter season. 

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Joined: August 3rd, 2018
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