Theology MidtermPosted by Winnie Melda on December 10th, 2018 #Question 1 I would say it is possible to change them and make them want to be better through the love that you give. When it comes to marriage is about taking our expectations, our motive and our faith in God Himself. The scripture in regards to our life partners doesn’t tell us to make sure they love us, respect us, and give us all the affection, financial as well as physical satisfaction we long for. God as per the Bible never promise to make our mates into the kind of people we pray they will be. Further, it does not tell us what kind of heart God can enable us to have if we do our part in bringing out the best in a mate. Marriage by its nature requires as well as demand spiritual growth. For us to get to that level that we can live with someone for better and for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health will mean learning to put the interest of our mate before our interest. Such love is a general a principle that is biblical (Phil,2:1-4), to learn the real meaning of love an ideal setting is given by the closeness and responsibilities of marriage. Marriage by its nature demands commitment, risk, and unselfish investment. Achievement of unity, love and loyalty as well as the blessing God expects by a couple, personal growth in giant strides is expected. For the very purpose of experiencing the richness that comes from the true needs of others are put before their desires one must learn how and when to abandon personal rights. As a husband and wife learn to love in this way, they become a window through which others can see the kingdom of God at work. As they surrender themselves to the Spirit and the rule of God, they become exhibits of the kind of spirituality that God designed marriage to produce. Friends, children, and extended family are given a chance to see the kind of faithful love, honesty, moral courage, true humility, incredible patience, and tender understanding God can give in marriage. People will not see manipulative or fearful compliance that so often marks marriage. They will see honest caring and friendship. This kind of love requires us to focus not primarily on our mate's faults but on our motives and actions. Such love, however, does not give us permission to assume, "If I don't demand anything of you, then you won't demand anything of me." God's expectation is that in the most intimate and interdependent way we live for the other person and surely our mates will change for the better. # Question 2 It is crucial to understand that men and women communicate in a different wave lengths. The difference in communication between men and women goes beyond mere socialization, and appear to be inherent in the basic makeup of each sex. Males use conversation to preserve their independence and use conversation to negotiate status in a group as well as keep people from pushing them around. On the other hand females use conversation to negotiate closeness as wells intimacy, as talk is the essence intimacy, so to them being best friends means sitting down and engaging in a conversation. There are always potential problems when women and men communicate where women create feelings of closeness by conversing with their friends as well as lovers. Men do not communicate this way and find it hard to understand why women talk and talk this result in tunings their women off. There is a sharp contrast in communication style where men seek to establish and maintain status as well as dominance while women’s communication is more egalitarian, or rule by consensus. Thus, it is crucial for both sexes to understand the inherent differences in their communication styles so that they don’t expect the impossible. There is a middle ground where women should not try to turn a man into their girlfriend as men do not care about feeling as much as women do and men should understand that when a woman is talking she is not just talking to talk, nor is she trying to readjust the status of the relationship. The man should share and attempt to understand that he does indeed love her and also want to establish that closeness to her. #Question 3 Intimacy skills -Communication- Good communication takes place when one put aside their thoughts, feelings as well as need for a while to focus their attention on the other person who is speaking. This indicates a good listener who listens without thinking about what to say next but wants to hear what the other person has to say. -Empathy –This skill is well communicated when one steps in a puddle with you as he or she tries to understand your worries as well as your troubles. -Being an emotional leader in your relationship- It entails taking responsibility-taking the lead for making your relationship deeper, closer as well as meaningful. -Being a team- It entails working together to make the relationship flourish The most important skill of intimacy is communication as it is directly related to the quality of the relationship. It just requires talking about things that really matter as it indicates that you’re not afraid to express what you really think and feel and that your partner trusts you the same way. #Question 4 Hints to help foster the art of communication in intimate relationships Thinking ahead of time what you want to say and how you want to say it-It is crucial to get specific about the issue as well as give concrete examples of thing observed as well as their impact. Exploring the other person’s thoughts, feelings as well as beliefs- This exploration helps one to understand the other person’s perspective that helps you address your concerns in a way that takes into account his or her perspective. Preparation for a negative response- It is crucial to understand that the issue being discussed may be difficult for the other person to handle as you cannot control the other person reactions but it necessary to anticipate and get emotionally ready. Stepping back- If the discussion is moving it is crucial to take a short break from it and reschedule the discussion time. Making the conversation private- It is very necessary to met at a private place, where interruption will not take place enhancing the way you communicate with your partner. Sherry Roberts is the author of this paper. A senior editor at MeldaResearch.Com in custom essay research paper if you need a similar paper you can place your order from online research paper writer. Like it? Share it!More by this author |