Butterfly Valves : A One Stop Solution For Liquid FlowPosted by Ainsley Aiken on December 12th, 2018 A butterfly valve is a flow regulating disc valve and consists of a circular disc or plate built with a stem through the middle or attached offset. When opened, the disc pivots 90 degrees in the valve bore, aligning with the flow, creating a nearly unrestricted flow path. It operate similar to ball valves in their 90 degree rotation and allow for quick shutoff. Thes Butterfly valves have gained popularity over the years due to their thin profile between flanges, making them lighter in weight and creating a smaller install footprint. This compact design also usually makes the initial cost for these valves lower when compared to other valve designs. Different types of butterfly valves are designed by Butterfly Valve Manufacturers and each type has unique features and applications. Each one is defined by the orientation of the stem to the disc and the seating angle that the disc closes on. The most basic butterfly valve design is commonly called a concentric or resilient-seated butterfly valve. In this type of valve, the stem is centered in the middle of the valve disc, which is centered in the pipe bore. Explore the Absolute Valve
The manufacturers of Butterfly Valvetake great care in maintaining the quality of the valve components and of the mechanical functionality of the valve as well. Butterfly Valve Manufacturersneed to have the precision necessary for the valve to work well in the most adverse of conditions so that no part of the valve loses its function when it is vitally important. They are the first word in quality. Source- https://bit.ly/2RYQNIg Like it? Share it!More by this author |