The Ultimate Eating Guide For Leaky Gut Syndrome

Posted by Sivanna Health on December 28th, 2018

Do you know that leaky gut syndrome is closely related to the foods we eat? In this condition, the damaged gut lining allows toxins, bacteria and other undigested food particles to pass into the bloodstream. Several chronic diseases like type 1 Diabetes and celiac are connected to this syndrome.

There are many triggering causes like poor diet, heavy usage of anti-biotic, chronic stress, infection and imbalance in blood sugar which can wreak havoc in the health of the gut lining. However, as per the Leaky Gut Doctor Sydney, foods are the key player for the treatment of this condition. Let's have a look at the foods and find out whether they are friendly or not from the discussion below.

Foods You Should Eat In Leaky Gut Syndrome:

The best Leaky Gut Doctor in Sydney has suggested, a proper diet plan should be followed to avoid serious conditions. To improve the digestive health, one has to eat in order to help the growth of good bacteria in the gut.

Here is the list of foods which are considered as a great option to improve leaky gut syndrome:

Vegetables: There are some green vegetables like broccoli, sprouts, cabbage, carrots, eggplant, spinach, ginger, arugula, mushrooms, beetroot, kale, zucchini and Swiss chard which are known as beneficial for gut health.

Roots: The vegetables which grow under the soil as roots and tubers like potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, yams and turnips help to increase the good bacteria in the gut.

Fruits: The fresh and colorful fruits like coconut, oranges, kiwi, limes, lemon, pineapple, mandarin, papaya, passionfruit and many berries like blueberries, strawberries and raspberries are good for leaky gut syndrome.

Gluten-Free grains: Most of the Leaky Gut Doctor of Sydney asked to stay away from gluten and have gluten-free grains like rice, buckwheat, sorghum, amaranth to avoid trouble.

Good Fats: Not every fat is bad for health. There are some healthy fats like avocado oil, virgin olive oil and coconut oil which are really valuable for gut health.

Fish: Omega 3 Fatty Acid is beneficial to improve the condition. The fishes like tuna, salmon are well-known as the great source of this component.

Fermented Vegetables: To enrich the body with good bacteria, organic acids, bioactive enzymes and Vitamin B, fermented vegetables are the best option. These will improve digestive function by stimulating the production of healthy stomach acid along with bile and pancreatic enzymes for optimal digestion.

However, you should remember that every human being is different and they respond to the listed food in personalised way. The Leaky Gut Doctor of Sydney has suggested taking a close look at how the body responds to each of the foods and avoid if necessary.



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Sivanna Health

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Sivanna Health
Joined: January 9th, 2017
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