CBSE 12th Result 2019Posted by Fastresult on January 14th, 2019 When will announce CBSE 12th result 2019? What will be the result date for CBSE 12th Class Result 2019? These are some of the most general questions which candidates usually asked after the completion of the exam. So, in this article, we are going to communicate the same. Central Board of Secondary Education responsible for announcing the CBSE 12th Result 2019 online. Now, by thinking the past records of CBSE, we can say that the CBSE Class 12th Result 2019 will release in the month of May. CBSE has issued the month wise schedule of the complete activities to be taken place in 2019 and according to it, CBSE will publish the result a bit prior including the compartment and the revaluation result. Candidates who are going to look for the upcoming session i.e 2019 can check here the whole details about your result. CBSE conducts the final exam for Class 10th and 12th every year in the month of March. The results are published by the end of May. The board prior conducted the AIEEE Exam for admission to junior courses in engineering and architecture in universities across India. In 2014, the control of the National Ability Test for grant of junior study fellowship and eligibility for an assistant professor in organizations of higher learning was outsourced to CBSE. Apart from these tests, CBSE also controls the central teacher’s ability test and the Class X optional knowledge test. With the addition of NET in 2014, the CBSE has grown the largest exam conducting body in the world. CBSE 12th class examinations conduct in the month of March. Every year there are lakhs of candidates who look for the 12th class examinations. Once the exam gets over students from CBSE board are in ask of their result. In 2018 CBSE has declared the 12th class result on May 26. As we know that the result of 12th class plays a very important role in choosing the career of an individual. So, for the year 2019, the CBSE exam process is coming up with the latest changes and rules. Like it? Share it!More by this author |