Considerations in hiring hospitality consulting servicesPosted by rehanshaikh on January 21st, 2019 It hardly needs to be mentioned that when it comes to making a difference in your business consultants can be excellent resources. Here are a few handy tips that should be followed with regard to hiring hospitality consultants in Dubai- Tip 1- Always get your key people more involved in the process. Your core employee team should always be involved in the entire hiring process. There are high failure related risks unless you get associates to participate actively in the whole process of making decisions on whether to opt for a consultant or not. In case you do not engage your key associates, there could be subsequent issues related to low productivity and project delays which may be counterproductive for the organization in question. Tip 2- Make sure that what you expect is clearly defined to your team. Getting the best presentations done and responding quickly are good traits no doubt. However, proposals do not always contain expected targets, results and outcomes which are quantifiable or understandable in many cases. You should always have deliverables outlined which are clear and concise and should cover the cost and timelines as well. Tip 3- Make sure that the consultant is always accountable. You should always keep this point in mind while going for hospitality consulting Dubai UAE. Make sure that the consultant has ample accountability for implementation of the final blueprint for your company and does not simply float around with suggestions and insights that do not have any bearing with the final targeted outcome. A good chain of accountability is very important in this regard. Tip 4- Always have a line of authority clearly defined- Consultants are supposed to be people who are always asking more questions about the business and then sharing their insights and advice. In the cut-throat hospitality business, consultants should never be given a free hand to run these operations altogether unless it is part of what you expect as a client. The level of authority should always be clearly defined. Tip 5- Make sure that the consultant takes care of particular needs. While hiring a consultant make sure that he/she is matching any particular requirement that you have on the basis of his/her expertise and skill sets. A person who holds expertise in food production may not be the best fit for designing interiors of your establishment. Accordingly, someone with tried and tested experience in marketing may not be the best person when it comes to selecting the right culinary ingredients for your restaurant. Most hospitality consulting Dubai UAE firms possess sizable experience in this industry although they are mostly non-owners of actual businesses in this sector. Keep this fact in mind since these agencies may not be able to really understand the pulls and pressures of operating a business which is family owned. Choose wisely. Like it? Share it!More by this author |