Laser Fungal Nail Infection Treatment ? 5 FAQs

Posted by Tele Cheah on January 27th, 2019

Nail fungus infection can be an embarrassing issue, which makes nails brittle and unclear. It can cause pain when nail starts separating from the underlying skin. Previously, oral drugs were the only treatment option, but these do not prove extremely effective.

To provide complete relief from this problem with no pain and no side effects, laser fungal nail infection treatment is highly advised. Laser light kills the fungal causing organism. To get more information about laser method, read on this post.  

Does a laser therapy a new nail fungus treatment?

The laser method of nail fungus is not the new concept. In fact, it has been used for the last 7-10 years. After considering the satisfactory results, several innovative updates have been made with the launch of advanced laser equipment and technologies to improve the quality of healing effects. According to research, more than 90% of the people get relief from their fungal infected nail after undergoing this treatment.    

Laser treatment Vs. medication – which is better?

Many people go with the option of taking medicines rather than laser treatment because they think that the laser method would be very expensive. But, the reality is that oral antifungal medications have a risk of severe medical problems as these contain toxic. Due to the possibilities of major health complications, it is always advised patients to go through regular blood tests (as recommended by doctors). These tests help in ensuring that treatment is not damaged by the use of several types of medications. On the other hand, laser treatment is completely safe as it is drug-free. There is no risk of any health issues, allergies, or infections.

How much time does it take?

Nail fungus removal laser treatment is a short-term method. It usually takes 15-20 minutes per foot. The duration depends on the origin and complexity of the nail fungal infection. It usually shows the normal improvements within starting 3 weeks, and further improvements can be observed with the growth of the nails. To get perfectly and completely treated fingernails and toenails, it may take 6–9 months, and 9–12 months respectively. 

Do a laser treatment is a lifetime nail fungus removal method?

While getting laser treatment Malaysia, you don’t need to worry about the investment of time and money. This is because a series of 3–4 treatment sessions with the gap of 5-6 weeks proves enough to remove the fungus from the nail. You can experience the improvement after first treatment option.

Is there any side effect of laser nail fungus treatment?

No, there is no side effect of laser nail fungus method. A person gets a sensation of warmth or a little pain during treatment. Once the treatment process gets completed, an individual may have a mild warming feeling. Possible side effects that a person may have during this treatment include redness on the skin around the nail for 1-3 days, little pain, slight swelling of the treated skin for 1-3 days, burn marks on the nail or discoloration of the nail.

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Tele Cheah

About the Author

Tele Cheah
Joined: January 27th, 2019
Articles Posted: 1