5 Effective Benefits Of Ankle Weights You Should Know

Posted by Abhishek Jain on January 29th, 2019

When it comes to increasing the intensity of your workouts, you might think of increasing sets and reps of your exercises. It is an effective way, but there is another way which is even more effective. It can even make a difference in tone, strength and the power of your leg muscles. And that way is ANKLE WEIGHTS.

Now, you must be wondering what possible effects ankle weights can have on your body, if incorporated in the workout session?

So, here is list of effective benefits of ankle weights presented by Cosco:

  1. Shape Your Legs:

Leg raises improve the flexibility and increase the strength of your leg. However, to enhance your workout, you need to add more resistance. Increasing the reps is sometimes not as helpful as you feel it would be. So, what you have to do is add weights. Leg raises with ankle weights will grow your muscles stronger. If you stay consistent with your workout for a few weeks; then, there will be a noticeable difference in your leg shape.

  1. Burn more calories:

When you do your routine exercise for a long time, your body gets accustomed to it. Therefore, it doesn’t have the same impact. You need a change, and that can be adding weights. Wearing ankle weights in your workout routine demands extra force from your body that means you have to apply more energy, which ultimately results in burning more calories. That is why it is considered as one of the best way for losing weight in lesser time.

  1. Versatility in the routine:

Ankle weights are like the extra Maggi Masala that you add in your usual vegetable recipe. Just the way, it enhances the taste, ankle weights enhance the impact of the exercise you do. Plus, it makes you get the benefit even from very basic exercise which you can do while sitting, standing or laying on back or stomach and kneeling on your knees or hands. Usually, people find it useful while running and jogging. However, ankle weights put stress on the hips and the ankle joints which can lead to joints pain or even damage. So, be careful.

  1. Improve your Jumps:

If you are into sports which need a lot of vertical high jumps like basketball, volleyball, even football, then ankle weights can be considered as blessings for you. Adding ankle weights in your training can improve your jumps height.

  1. Pocket Friendly:

If you are not a gym person and like to workout at home only, then these ankle weights are like blessing for you. Because the machines that are usually suggested to use for building the leg muscles costs fortunes. Whereas, buying ankle weights is like going for a movie with family, or even less than that. Yes, you can find up to 2kg ankle weights just under 2k. Even Cosco India ltd. provides you ankle weights in this price range. You can check it out here.

You just have to little careful when you wear the ankle weights. Start with wearing less weight (may be ½ kg)to prevent any joint injuries. You can gradually increase the weight when you feel like your body can handle it. It is strongly suggested not wear them in all of your exercise.  Endurance is essential for the workout but don’t work out in pain. And make sure you use quality ankle weight to prevent yourself from ankle injuries, that’s why I suggest to go for Cosco Ankle weights here.

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Abhishek Jain

About the Author

Abhishek Jain
Joined: January 28th, 2019
Articles Posted: 1