What Are the Benefits of Drinking Honey with Lemon Green Tea

Posted by Sanjay KC on February 14th, 2019

Green tea is gaining in popularity and is today one of the world's most widely consumed beverages. Not only is it delicious but also healthy. With lemon and honey, a classic blending of complementary flavors, green tea can be a soothing hot beverage or an energizing iced refreshment. The combination also offers several health benefits.

Your body, mind, and spirit will feel renewed with a balanced blend of green tea, lemon, and soothing honey; an age-old recipe to cleanse your body and add vitality. All ingredients are full of various advantages. The combination of green tea with lemon and honey together can prove to be a refreshing drink, reducing stress level and detoxifying your body. 

According to experts, drinking green tea with lemon improves the health benefits of the tea. Citrus juice brings out green tea's antioxidants, making them more available for your body to absorb. Herbalists and traditional medicine practitioners recommend lemon as a diuretic—substances that promote urine production—and as a remedy for gingivitis, or inflamed gums. Lemon juice also increases the number of catechins your body extracts from green tea by up to six times. While compounds in tea can inhibit iron absorption from foods in your diet, drinking your green tea with lemon reduces that effect. In short, lemon juice in green tea helps in purification of your body.

And honey, which is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, provides magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron, copper, and zinc as well as vitamins A, B-complex and C, to the green tea. Green tea with honey and lemon may also improve cold symptoms. Just a single dose of honey is enough to relieve discomfort and soothe a cough. Honey, when blended in green tea, has a lot of other advantages. Vitamins in honey improve your brain health. Your neurons are activated better and this improves your concentration power. Consuming a few cups of honey in green tea on regular basis can help reduce excess fat in your body. Green tea helps increase metabolism and honey reduces the excess calories in your body.

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Sanjay KC

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Sanjay KC
Joined: December 21st, 2018
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