Spiritual value of Islamic wall art

Posted by Andrew Philips on February 18th, 2019

Are you looking for Islamic frames wall décor? Aninterior decoration idea that is doing reasonably well in the online marketplace is Muslim wall frames. Those who wish to express their faith by means of visual art are now buying wall decals, coloured digital prints or paintings, ceramic wall plates andstainless steelframes – all with calligraphic display of Quranic verses.

This, in order to make a visual statement of their beliefs, faiths and traditions. After all, a home or even an office you run speaks a lot about who you are. And therefore, a Muslim is likely to have in his living or working space a piece of art that can reflect his faith. And this is where Islamic frames wall décor comes in. It is a work of art wherein verses from the Quran, or Names of Allah, or sayings from the Hadith, are written or printed or painted or etched or engraved in calligraphic style. Calligraphy, being the art of beautiful writing, thereby, also enhances the aesthetic quotient of your homes.

Muslim wall framescan serve as constant reminders of the Blessings of Allah -- if you read carefully the text displayed on them, and reflect on their meanings. For example, a wall decal with the text ‘Alhamdulillah’ put up in the dining hall of your home can remind you that the lunch or breakfast or dinner on your table as well as your ability to bite, chew, relish and digest the food is a blessing of sustenance and health from Allah. If you want your children to learn by heart certain duas or ayats from the Quran, you can paste them on their walls.

Muslim wall frames can also help you in explaining to people about the teachings of Islam. If a guest, who can’t read or understand Arabic, asks you the meaning of a verse displayed on your wall, you can explain it to him or her. This might generate interest in him/her to read and understand the Holy Book.

For the sake of non-Arabic speakers, which comprises eighty percent of the global Muslim population, Muslim wall framesalso come with Englishtranslations. The English part is displayed alongside or adjacentto the Quranic verse in original Arabic. In some cases, the framescome only with English textwithout the original Arabic ayat. This linguistic shift indicates a significant new trend in Islamic art.

Still, the visual appeal of the Arabic texthas no equal. The script’s cursive property with dots and diacritical marks aplenty make it just perfect for calligraphy. Imagine – would the Taj Mahal or any Muslim-built monument would be as pretty without the Arabic calligraphy inscribed on it?

That said, the shift towards English in Islamic artis very significant as it helps in fulfilling the spiritual purpose of the art – reinforcing one’s belief in the Message of Allah, and reminding residents of the home and their visitors of the Mercy and Grace of Allah.

In fact, people now frame verses in accordance to the function of the space they are being displayed in. Thus, ‘Alhamdulillah’ (‘Praise be to Allah’) wall sticker can be displayed in the dining hall, ‘Tawakaltu Al-Allah’, which means ‘Put your trust/faith in Allah’ can be put up in the office.The hallway can have on ‘Masha Allah’, which in English is ‘By the Will of God’.

Indeed, Islamic frames wall décor or Muslim wall frames are a very interesting aspect of home décor.

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Andrew Philips

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Andrew Philips
Joined: September 1st, 2018
Articles Posted: 35

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