Why Silent Beacon is the Top Choice as a Wearable panic button?

Posted by Silent Beacon on February 19th, 2019

Importance of a wearable panic button

Did you ever find yourself in a situation when you needed urgent help, but your phone battery was dead, and nobody was around? Well if you did, you definitely could have used a wearable panic button. In reading its name, you can assume what is. Wearable panic buttons are designed to help you when you are in danger, whether outside or inside. Experience says that wearable panic buttons save thousands of lives every year. One day it could be your life that will be saved by this helpful gadget.

How do they work?

Almost all wearable panic buttons work on the same principle. Once you are in distress, you just need to press the button and help will arrive. It depends on that kind of button you wear, who will come to help you. Some buttons contact your family and friends, some of them contact the nearest Rescue Control Center, some of them alert police, and some of them, like Silent Beacon, give you option to customize your emergency contact list. With Silent Beacon you can even contact emergency responders directly if you choose this exclusive service.

Some panic buttons send messages to your contacts, some call them, some only send notifications with your location, but Silent Beacon can do all that. With Silent Beacon it is up to you how you want to alert your emergency contacts.

In which situations panic buttons can be useful?

You can use the panic button in almost any emergency occasion- whether you encounter a mugger, or if you feel the symptoms of a heart attack. The panic button can save your life. Some of the wearable panic buttons are specialized for particular situations, for particular people, and others can be used by anyone in any urgent situation. One of the devices that you can use in any situation is Silent Beacon. There are also many panic buttons that are designed so they are invisible to the attacker, so you can activate it without being seen, and also some of them even have alarm systems, so they can prevent possible strikes. You can give panic buttons to your children in ease your worry when they are playing outside. Knowing that they wear panic buttons, and for this occasion, the most practical one is again Silent Beacon, you will feel more relaxed because you know that if anything unwanted happens, they can alert you.

Why is Silent Beacon Device the most convenient?

After all this talk about panic buttons and Silent Beacon, the most logical question is why Silent Beacon? Well, as I said it is the most practical device with a very good application that supports it. It is not intended just for one particular situation, or for one particular group of people. It can be used by anyone, anywhere, anytime.

Silent Beaconalso has a very large number of possibilities when it comes to its customization. You can choose in which way it will alert your contact list, whether by phone call, e-mail, or text. You can choose your emergency contacts, as well. Silent Beacon has one more huge advantage over others. As mentioned you can call 911 directly, without any middleman.

Why is that important?

Well, most panic buttons have their call centers, so you first have to talk with people who work there and only then they will call emergency responders. You may think that this is better, but research says that it can take more than 6 minutes for the middleman to send all the necessary information to 911 and those 6 minutes could be what is needed to save your life!

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Silent Beacon

About the Author

Silent Beacon
Joined: February 19th, 2019
Articles Posted: 1