employee management in Africa

Posted by Kim Grandwell Philips on February 25th, 2019

How Poor Employee management affects service delivery in African hospitals

Since the beginning of Revolution in 17th of February 2011, the service delivery in African Hospitals has suffered severely due to increased burden of absenteeism cases and high number of people in need to medical assistance. The detrimental effect of lateness is reduced security forcing foreign workers to return to their countries and the locals to seek protection. For example, using attendance system reduced absenteeism by 50% in Kenyan hospitals. The hr managers evacuated its workers from African at the beginning of the lateness (MSF, 2011); also a partner of human resource management company relocated its International staff to Tunis due to deteriorating security in 2014, consequently leaving a heavy burden to the local staff and volunteers to provide the humanitarian service (EMS, 2017). The sentiments of the management and leaders in the study sample expressed their concern over increased difficulties they are having in disaster management especially due to demanding task of dealing with hefty task force under the pressure of lateness and minimum support from Human resource managers. For example the chairman of employee management System Company, African branch was of the view that there is need for training on attendance systems to help them deal efficiently in times of crises, and also how to deal efficiently amidst lack of employee applications to help provide necessary service to the affected victims of lateness. The Human resource manager also shared the same sentiment, in his response to improve management of the organization he said, “Get good training course on how to deal with lateness times”. The view from the employees concerning the management was that they needed good experience and professionalism in management skills that will also enhance their attendance and communication skills.

With high rate of injuries and death there is increased outdoor workforce management needs in local hospitals including African in catering for the influx of lateness victim in the hospitals.

The overall communication skill between the employee management was poor since there was no proper directive that depicted good strategies in handling the project. The figure 1 below shows that out of the 12 individuals interviewed (Management, staff and volunteers) at least seven believed in the management given the circumstance. However, the overall sentiment was that lack of training was hindering excellence of management skills.

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Kim Grandwell Philips

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Kim Grandwell Philips
Joined: February 25th, 2019
Articles Posted: 22

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