Student management software

Posted by pooja reddy on February 27th, 2019

The technological advancement in the past century has been beyond our imagination. It has made its way to every walk of life even in the educational institutions. Student management software is very well known ERP (Enterprise resource planning) used in the majority of educational institutions. The use of ERP made managing data and records of educational institutions in a smooth way.

Right from tracking the admission process of students, to their academics, facilitating collaboration, allowing schools to collect their fees, conduct examination, and distribute grade cards to concern dashboards, this Student management software A.T.S.I. has automated every system. XIPHIAS has the solutions for you in making your task easy through this educational software.

Admission time is the most stressful and tiresome task for both parents and school authorities, which demand alertness during that time. While using School Management Software maintaining the record of each student becomes easy and flexible than before.

Main Strategies to follow while implementing a Student Management Software is Data transfer every institution follows different methods to record and maintain the data.

Student Management Software stores all the personal information of the students like the birth date, attendance, monthly progress report etc., this makes the life of teacher easy or else they have to spend hours and hours to finish of storing that information.

Student Management Software is not only for storing data it also offers a three-way interactive platform for teachers, students as well as parents. It saves a lot of time of the administrative staff moreover the students gets message notifications if any of his fees are due. 


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pooja reddy

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pooja reddy
Joined: February 7th, 2019
Articles Posted: 22

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