No doubt, the sunroof is a significant part of any vehicle, and the number of vehicles with sunroofs on the road today is higher than ever before. Whether you’ve had a sunroof for years or you’ve recently purchased your first vehicle with a sunroof, it is important to know maintenance is required and what to do if you experience a problem with your sunroof. If you’re looking for Sunroof Repair Chicago, do your research and choose a company with a proven track record and experience with sunroofs.
Get familiar with potential issues you may experience
If you have a leaky sunroof, this is most likely do to not properly maintaining your sunroof. Your sunroof has a “gutter-like” system of which the water travels through drain troughs, then through the four drain tubes, and out the wheel-wells of your vehicle. When the drain tubes are clogged with debris, this blocks the exit and can cause a leak.
If your sunroof glass is stuck or not sliding properly, there are various common causes. The sunroof glass may be off track, debris could be logged in the tracks, components pieces may break in the assembly, just to name a few. You’ll want to seek professional assistance if your sunroof isn’t working properly.
If your sunroof glass has shattered, it is very important to refrain from attempting to operate the sunroof, as this can cause further damage. You’ll want to keep the vehicle in a covered area such as a garage or purchase a protective barrier such as “crash wrap” to protect your vehicle from weather elements.
When replacing a shattered sunroof glass, it is imperative to remove all glass fragments to prevent further damage. If glass is remains trapped in the tracks, this can damage or break component parts within the assembly. The costs of repairing mechanical component parts can be significant, so take the extra time to ensure all glass fragments are clear.
Now that you know some of the potential issues you may encounter, be sure to look at your sunroof to make sure it’s operating properly and have your sunroof drain tubes checked every few years. If you’re looking for Sunroof Repair in Denver, you canreach out to the professionals at Sunroof Express for assistance.
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About the Author
Olivia Morgon Joined: May 29th, 2018 Articles Posted: 308